May 01, 2024

Q is for Quit (Five Reasons Not to Quit Writing) ~ by Wendy L. Macdonald


One: Self-publishing is always an open door

Two: No one writes the way we do. Only we can reach certain readers with the encouragement God has given us.

Three: Even if we choose not to publish our writing, it’s a cathartic exercise that helps us make sense of the world.

Four: God doesn’t want us to bury our talents under fear of failure.

Five: If we sense from God we’re supposed to keep writing, then write we must. Obedience brings us the blessing of His peace. Writing to please God is the best place to start. And it’s a compelling reason not to quit.

I made this post short because right after I started the first draft of it, I decided to record it as a podcast on my YouTube channel. If you need encouragement, follow this link. Otherwise, please add your reasons in the comments for not quitting writing. As always, I’m nosy to know.

The Lord is my strength and my shield;

my heart trusts in him, and he helps me.

My heart leaps for joy,

and with my song I praise him.

Psalm 28:7 NIV

P.S. December is the letter X. Since it’s InScribe’s 25th year, Let’s end our ABC’s of Writing Inspirational Poetry and Prose with the XYZ’s of how InScribe has been a blessing to writers. 

Wendy L. Macdonald is an inspirational blogger and YouTuber who loves photographing nature on Vancouver Island. Her happy place is making junk journals to sell in her Etsy shop. Her byline is: “My faith is not shallow because I’ve been rescued from the deep.”


  1. Hi Wendy! Thank you for your post and beginning the list. Reason Six... A reason not to quit writing is because writing is part of who we are. Seven...The words in our head want to bless the world. Eight...Writing is a way to give to others. Nine...Our writing helps us bond together as writers with a unique message. Ten...As writers, we desire to develop our craft and become mature in the call God has given us.

    1. Wonderful reasons, dear Alan. Giving to others is a good thing. Thank you & blessings.

  2. Loved your reasons, Wendy, and I also loved Alan's additions! Never quit!

  3. Kathleen Friesen11:37 am GMT-7

    Your reasons are compelling, Wendy (and Alan), but I have "retired" from writing. Writing large pieces, that is, due to health issues. God has granted me peace and a new hobby, learning to make cards. These tiny bits of writing are directed to the recipient, and their pleasure in receiving increases mine in creating. God bless you all.

    1. Dear Kathleen, blessings to you on your new direction of your writing gift.

    2. Thank you, dear Kathleen. I love your generous use of retirement. What a wonderful way to use your gifts. Blessings.

  4. Loved the post and the podcast, Wendy! Thanks for your abiding and consistent encouragement. Blessings on your day.

    1. Thank you, dear Sharon, for the encouraging comments and posts you share with everyone here. Blessings.

  5. Loved your post!. Thanks for all your reasons not to quit, both Wendy and Alan! Good reminders that God has called us to this ministry and we won't quit until He tells us.

    1. I'm glad God always has good plans for us to follow in work and in retirement. Blessings.

  6. Michelle Strutzenberger11:44 am GMT-7

    Yes, amen to all of these reasons, but especially number five! If God has called us, we must keep writing, no matter the results. Thank you for this encouragement. Blessings.

    1. Thank you, dear Michelle. He who called us is also faithful to encourage us. Blessings on your writing and on your family.

  7. Thank you for this short and succinct list, Wendy, and Alan for your additions. I especially like number 3, for it's true that writing helps us to process our thoughts and experiences.

    1. Thank you, dear Susan. Number 3 is why I journal each morning. Blessings.

  8. Bob Jones8:02 pm GMT-7

    Thank you Wendy for not quitting. Great work on organizing this blog. Getting ready with the XYZs for December.

    1. Thank you for your faithful and thoughtful posts, Bob. I always enjoy reading them.


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