April 13, 2024

P is for Poetry by Steph Beth Nickel

it may sound cliche

it may sound self-righteous

it may sound unbelievable

but I remember the first time

i heard it

sitting in the audience



interesting perspective

in response to the comment

i’m doing fine

under the circumstances

the man was asked

what he was doing

under the circumstances

if we are followers of Jesus Christ

we have already been raised with him


in a real sense

we are not under our circumstances

does that mean we don’t hurt

suffer loss

get disheartened

become confused

deal with doubt and dark times

absolutely not

as a hurting child is

gathered into their father’s arms

God is there

to hold us close

for believers

though life isn’t always easy

we can rest


we need not dwell

under the circumstances

I originally wrote this poem in 2011.


  1. I remember the time I first heard someone's response, "What are you doing under there?" It was such a clarifying moment for me too. Thanks, Steph, for a lovely reminder poem on a Saturday morning.

  2. Wonderful poem, Steph, and a keen reminder to keep our eyes on Him and not on our circumstances. One I need to be reminded of more often than I’d like to admit. Thank you.

  3. Thank you, that is e good poem.

  4. How wonderful to know that we are under God's care and not under our circumstances. Blessings.

  5. Michelle Strutzenberger12:29 pm GMT-7

    This is so well written, every word so carefully chosen. Thank you for the reminder that we are not under our circumstances. I love this. I'll be sharing with my family over dinner tonight.

  6. Thanks for this poem, Steph. Beautiful!!


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