April 16, 2024

P is for Possibility by Lorilee Guenter

 Prose, poetry, passion, project and prayer. I have bounced between these word possibilities for a month or more. Some words have been added, others discarded before they made the list. Every time I think I have chosen the theme for this month, a new idea or possibility presents itself. Even as I write this, possibilities play calling for my attention.

I have many unfinished projects because my tendency to procrastinate kicks in as soon as the ideas start to accumulate. I don't want to lose an idea so I make a few notes, or a concerted start, then I move on to the next. This year I challenged myself to kick the procrastination habit and finish some projects. It is my hope that this will open space mentally and physically to pursue some new project ideas without shelving more partial pieces. I plan to start next week, or the week after, because I have a new piece of poetry to polish. While at times it is fun to poke at my procrastination and the chasing after every possibility, I find it in fact hinders my opportunity to pursue those ideas. The more passionate I am about my current work the easier it is to follow through. However, my brain never seems to stay still. 

I am working on curbing my procrastination this year. It is a hard habit to break. Like all change, the key to progress is prayer. I am not doing this on my own. I never have to work on my own. This fact gives me encouragement. It renews my strength the days nothing seems to go the way I expect. Some days it would be easier to package up all my pens and gift them to someone who could make better use of them. Those days procrastination and mental mess obscure the possibility inherent in every day.

The more I work on consistency and following through on the ideas I am passionate about, the more I recognise that prayer and possibility are partners. I know this. I have known this. Somehow that knowing grows as I work. I am a writer who doesn't have the words to describe the phenomenon of ever increasing certainty that comes as I soak in a truth.

It is my hope for all of us that we, through prayer, will recognise the possibilities that God has prepared for us along the path He leads. I pray that we continue to let Him guide our thought as we sit, pen in hand, ready to tell His story. He is the author of every good possibility. He has promised to partner with us as we follow Him.


  1. Thank you, dear Lorilee, for sharing from your heart. I relate to having a busy mind. And I love the power presented in the following truth you shared: "...prayer and possibility are partners."

  2. I love the word "possibilities" and it wasn't lost on my how cleverly you incorporated lots of "P" words in this piece, too!

  3. Thanks, Lorilee. Encouraged by your reminder that change takes time but with God “all things are possible.” May you continue to be blessed in the journey.

  4. Thank you for this plethora of "Ps", Lorilee! We all at times procrastinate or don't follow through. The part that caught my attention was: "The more passionate I am about my current work the easier it is to follow through." That's our responsibility. And yet God goes before us, as you wrote: "He is the author of every good possibility. He has promised to partner with us as we follow Him."

  5. What a lovely conglomeration of "p" words in a most positive post. Procrastination is something I'm working on these days, too. It is good to know that "God is the author of every good possibility." Life is rich with God's goodness. Thank you, Lorilee.

  6. Michelle Strutzenberger12:36 pm GMT-7

    Amen to this: "The more I work on consistency and following through on the ideas I am passionate about, the more I recognise that prayer and possibility are partners."


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