December 20, 2023

Longing for Loveliness by Alan Anderson



Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. -- Philippians 4:8



A Longing for Loveliness


In this post, I would like to give readers my reflection on a longing within me. A longing for something not elusive but perhaps ignored or even evaded by people today, yet it is all around us. This is a longing for loveliness.


By the grace of God, I realize I cannot afford to embrace the attitudes and reactions of the world. All too often, this is the face of ugliness. I can, however, make a concentrated effort to notice the place of loveliness in the world.


Dear Loveliness,


I missed you. I allowed the weight and the relentless murmurings of this rebellious world to hide your presence. Please forgive my weakness and fear of the wiles of the Enemy, the one who would love to steal my soul forever.


May the confused clamor of those around me fade into distance from my tired mind. Please guide me to listen to Your voice so I won’t lose my way. Help me hear the still, small voice, this voice of thin silence, of He who beckons me to rest.


Oh, Creator of Loveliness, may I be content to look at you, the Lovely One, He who is altogether lovely. Scarred images obscured my vision like the cataracts which cause my eyes to look through a film of clouds. Like an expert surgeon, restore my sight and let me see beauty. Allow loveliness to shine as the precious jewel it is.


Moments of Loveliness


In this time in which we live and write, imposters challenge loveliness. Yet, loveliness has always faced challenges and remained undefeated. Those who recognize loveliness must cling to whatever is lovely.


Dear ones, loveliness is all around us and is not far away. You might drive on your way home for dinner and the last sunbeams of the day illuminate the snow on a nearby mountain. A stranger opens the door for you as you enter a local grocery store. Your granddaughter asks you with a sweet smile on her face to read her a bedtime story. A little boy runs up to his parents and invites them to enjoy a group hug. These are all moments of loveliness.


A Moment of Loveliness



Perhaps loveliness, in some form, will visit you soon. If it does, do not forget to breathe it in. Loveliness can take our breath away.


The beginning of autumn 2023 motivated me to write a poem after sitting outside on a warm fall day. My inspiration was a hummingbird who visits my backyard every day. There are also butterflies who love to cozy up to the pansies my wife and I planted in our baby memorial garden.


I now share with you a poem I wrote as I watched the hummingbird and butterflies. Even in the days in which we all live, loveliness is not far away.


Where Butterflies Sing

By Alan Anderson,




All play together,

in this place where butterflies sing.


Ants dance,

Dragonflies flap their wings,

Ladybugs curtsy and giggle,

in this place where butterflies sing.


Come sit beside me.

Breathe in flowery air,

take off your shoes.

Feel the grass under your toes.

Rest, relax, and wonder,

in this place,

   where butterflies sing.



Dear friends, in this Holy season of life, I pray He who is altogether Lovely will fill your every longing for loveliness.



Alan lives in Deroche, B.C. with his wife, Terry, and their poodle, Charlie. He contributed stories to Good Grief People by Angel Hope Publishing, 2017; Story by Story: The Power of a Writer, Unstoppable Writers Publishing, 2018; Easter Stories & More by InScribe Christian Writers’ Fellowship, 2021. He is currently working on a book expressing the grief of grieving grandparents entitled “Hidden Poetic Voices: A Reflective Work of Grief, Faith, and Poetry.” Alan periodically writes articles for FellowScript Magazine and the online magazine for Compassionate Friends. He has written posts for our InScribe blog since 2015. Blog:


  1. Thank you so much, Alan, for this beautiful call to long for loveliness.
    Yes, I plan on paying closer attention to it today. God's loveliness is all around us in creation and in the image of Him each person carries.

    Merry Christmas to you and Terry.

    1. Dear Wendy, I always appreciate your thoughtful comments. Perhaps we should begin a movement for "loveliness," to remind people of its place in life.

      Merry Christmas and peace to you and your family.

  2. Valerie Ronald12:44 pm GMT-7

    Dear Alan, your post about looking for loveliness echoes my own desire to see beauty in an often ugly world. Reading your soulful words, I believe we may be kindred spirits! Several years ago I began a daily habit of looking for "shining moments" in each day, those moments of loveliness that you describe so well. When my heart is heavy, those shining moments always lift me up. Christmas blessings to you, friend!

    1. Hello Valerie! Being kindred spirits sounds great. I accept the honour! :) I love your "shining moments," way of looking at life. Makes sense to me. Thank you for being my kindred spirit!

  3. Yes! This is so timely. we need to spend more time looking for liveliness and the 'good" in the world... Thank you for this reminder.

    1. I had to remind myself of this as well, Tracy.

  4. Thanks, Alan. We do have to make, as you say, a concentrated effort. This is so beautifully written and captures my heart. Hoping to take up the challenge. During Covid one thing I noticed was that God’s creation carried on in all its ‘loveliness’ unaffected by world events. Thank you and Merry Christmas.

  5. Dear Sharon, thank you for the reminder of how God's creation carries on in its loveliness. This is a reality we can cling to without fail.

  6. Thanks, Alan, for such an uplifting post during this time of crisis throughout the whole world!

    1. Hi Sandy! Just think what could happen if all our InScribe family posts messages of "loveliness" into the world! Messages of loveliness and light into the darkness.
      Merry Christmas to you and your family, Sandi!

  7. Michelle Strutzenberger5:47 pm GMT-7

    Thank you Alan. This post is the epitome of loveliness, including the poem. I love the imagery of butterflies singing and ladybugs curtsying and giggling. I needed this reminder to let the "Creator of Loveliness... restore my sight and let me see beauty."

    1. Dear Michelle, thank you for your comment on my post. They are words of loveliness to me. You are an encourager, my friend. I pray you continue to see beauty and loveliness embraces you.

  8. Gail Neumann12:29 am GMT-7

    Thank you for this reminder to look for loveliness. It is always present, even in hard times. May you be uplifted as you look for the loveliness in this gift of creation we get to share.

    1. Dear Gail, thank you so much for your thoughtful comments on loveliness. Blessings to you and your family.

  9. Bob Jones8:31 am GMT-7

    Wonderful, Alan! I haven't read anyone else's writing on "lovely." Kiss Terry and hug Charlie!


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