December 21, 2023

Limitless - Tracy Krauss

 The sky is the limit.

Actually, when it comes to writing, that isn't true. We aren't limited by the sky, space, gravity, or any other physical laws. It’s one of the things I love about writing fiction. I get to make it up!

Of course, depending on the genre, one has to be aware of certain facts and stick to them. Historical fiction is especially tricky in this regard, since good writers must know the era from which they write. While the characters may be totally fictional, many facts can’t be bent. Perhaps that’s why I’ve steered clear of writing in that genre, although I do love to read a good Regency romance!

During Nanowrimo, I finished the first draft for a NEW Sci-fi novel – unnamed as yet. I had such fun writing it, that I had to wonder why I haven’t written more Sci-fi. I was limitless in building the world, applying character quirks, and the “Science” didn’t even really matter since anything is possible!

Strangely, I haven’t written a lot of Sci-fi to date. I was part of a collaborative effort in 2014/2015 and contributed to a series called Colony Zero. I thought it was pretty good until some of our group started going off the rails in some weird directions. Then the publisher got sued… You can still get the first paperback on Amazon, but the rest of the series is in no-man’s land.

In 2021 I wrote Aliens Among Us, a YA Sci-fi and my first full-length Sci-fi novel. I just rebranded it as The Alien Next Door since the title and cover made it sound much more sinister and serious than it actually is. It’s actually a fun book. (If I do say so myself.) It’s a coming-of-age story, has a solid moral base as the main character struggles with his faith, and of course, there are good-looking aliens in it! I just reread it recently and laughed a lot at my own cleverness! (PS: It could use some ratings on Amazon!)

I have to say I had such fun writing all of these that I plan to step over the cliff and do more Sci-fi writing in the future. I think I love the genre so much I was afraid I couldn’t do it justice. I see how twisted that logic is since, as already stated, I can make it up, so it doesn’t even matter!  

So, dear writer, I encourage you to apply some “limitless” logic to your writing. Whether you write Sci-fi or devotionals, don’t be afraid to be limitless in your approach and take delight in your craft!


Tracy Krauss writes from her home in northern BC. Look for more Sci-fi in the future!


  1. I admire your courage to tackle more than one genre. Good on you, dear Tracy. And thank you for encouraging us to reach for the stars. Merry Christmas.

    1. A very Merry Christmas to you as well! Thanks for your fantastic moderation of this blog!

  2. Thanks, Tracy, for leading the way for us to expand our thinking, believe God for the impossible, and shoot for the stars!

  3. Dear Tracy, thank you for your post of encouragement and motivation. I hope you let your imagination go crazy as you launch into the world of science fiction.
    I know when I decided to write poetry I did so with a degree of nervousness. I happy I took the step into the poetry genre. I pray you will enjoy your venture into sci-fi!
    Merry Christmas to you and your family!

    1. Thanks Alan. Merry Christmas to you as well.

  4. Michelle Strutzenberger5:50 pm GMT-7

    Thanks for this encouragement, Tracy! I have been trying my hand/pen/computer at fantastical writing, though I too worry that I won't do it justice. There's a long story behind why I've even ventured into that space, but I'll leave the sharing of it to another time. In the meantime, I will be applying some limitless logic to my writing.

    1. "Fantastic"... pun intended. Merry Christmas!

  5. Thanks for being brave and inspiring us to do the same. Exploring various genres seems to be scary yet thrilling and challenging. Thanks for seeing beyond the limits, Tracy. A Merry and blessed Christmas to you and yours.

    1. Thanks Sharon and Merry Christmas to you and yours.

  6. Anonymous4:32 am GMT-7

    that’s a little scary to me, but you did it and I’m proud of you. Maybe I will just publish my dreams as sci-fi I think they would qualify thank you for pushing us to the edge Brenda

  7. Gail Neumann12:34 am GMT-7

    I love your encouragement to let our imaginations fly. I've never written sci fi but you sure make the process sound fun. Have a happy Christmas!


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