December 04, 2023

L is for Lizards ~ by Brenda J Wood

 I trust you are not from the family of ectothermic critters. That’s the kind of being whose body temperature changes with the outside environment. Don’t confuse them with cold-blooded animals.  Lizards must be careful not to get too hot or too cold. Their blood is warm on warm days and cold on cold days. They can hardly move if they get too cold. They can’t even eat until their body warms up,

 Lizards blend into their surroundings. They camouflage themselves to almost any background and thus hide from predators like snakes, owls, and assorted other nasty things I won’t mention. 

At 120 degrees (F) they die. At 100 degrees (F) they must be in the shade. At 80 degrees (F) they can eat and maybe even run from their enemies. At 70 degrees (F) they come out of hiding and begin to warm up, but by 30 degrees (F) they die from the cold.

I dare to ask you. Are you a Lizard? Do you write only when everything goes well in your universe? Do you slack off when your personal temperature is uncomfortable? Do you write whatever the world seems to want? Do you stand firm on your principles in Christ? How do you weather the temperature gauge in your area?

Are you easily swayed by public opinion? Do you hide among a hundred other authors with the same careful prose? Do you stand out from the crowd or blend in with the everyday author on everyday topics in everyday life?

Whatever you do, refuse to be a writer whose words are controlled by anything other than Christ.

Brenda J. Wood has authored more than fifty books. She is a seasoned motivational speaker, who declares the Word of God with wisdom, humour, and common sense.


  1. Ha! Don't be a lizard! What a fun post, Brenda. Thank you for the motivation to keep writing no matter what.

  2. Thank you, dear Brenda, for this powerful reminder to "dare to be a Daniel."

  3. I love this analogy, Brenda!

    1. Anonymous5:41 pm GMT-7

      Thank you so so much

  4. Brenda, you are so creative, and what a great message! Makes me think...

  5. Thanks for this wonderful post, Brenda! “Only what’s done for Christ will last.” Terrific reminder.

  6. Anonymous5:41 pm GMT-7

    Thank you so much

  7. Michelle Strutzenberger6:30 pm GMT-7

    Thank you for this succinct, vivid, meaningful post. I definitely don't want to be a lizard writer!

  8. Thanks for this vivid post, Brenda! Wonderful questions!

  9. Thank you for your fun and also insightful message, Brenda! Like others I don't want to be a lizard writer.


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