December 05, 2023

L is for Looking Back by Susan Barclay


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My husband likes to say, "Don't look back unless you want to go there." I suppose this is his translation of a few scriptures that promote looking forward: 

Jesus said to him, “No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for the kingdom of God. (Luke 9:62);

Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I [God] am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.  (Isaiah 43:18-19);

Brothers, I [Paul] do not consider that I have made it my own. But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.(Philippians 3:13-14)

Still, I can't help but agree with Winston Churchill. The end of a year is a good time to reflect on the events that took place, the people who filled our days, how we spent our hours, and the growth we saw in ourselves. These reflections help us to determine changes we may want to make as we head into a new year. They can also provide inspiration, encouragement, and hope as we see where we were on Day 1 and how God moved in our lives over the next 364 days. Our reflections can lead to worship and praise.

As a writer, looking back on our year(s) gives us something worth putting on paper, something others will hopefully find worth reading, something illuminating, something that points them to God. If I can identify His fingerprints over the course of my life, I can remind myself and tell others what He has done for me. What He's done for me once, He can certainly do for me again, and He can do it for others also. He's a good God and He is willing. 

Looking over 2023, I identify with the words of 2 Corinthians 4:8, [I am] hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair.”  To quote Brené Brown, “One day I will tell my story of how I overcame . . . and it will become someone else’s survival guide.” While that day is not yet, I know that God is working and He won’t stop until the story is finished, until He declares that it is good. When that happens, you can be sure I'll be writing about it! Until then, I'll keep looking back, seeking glimpses of His handiwork, tucking them away, and like Jesus's mother, Mary, pondering them in my heart while I wait to see what happens next.

Merry Christmas, friends. Keep looking back and looking up.


For more about Susan Barclay and her writing, please visit


  1. So inspired. Looking forward requires looking back since we learn so much from what has already taken place. I guess its a continuum... What a great post.

  2. What a wonderful post, Susan! It is time to look back and see how God has been active and working in us--and that motivates us as writers to look forward and share with others what God is doing and can do in their lives!

  3. Thank you, dear Susan, for encouraging us to have a Mary heart through these lovely words of yours: "I'll keep looking back, seeking glimpses of His handiwork, tucking them away, and like Jesus's mother, Mary, pondering them in my heart while I wait to see what happens next."
    Blessings & merry Christmas.

    1. Thank you, Wendy. Hope you had a good Christmas also!

  4. Thanks for this honest and vulnerable post, Susan. May God continue to encourage you as you walk this journey together and, someday, may He indeed use your story of storms to provide oases of hope to others. God bless and Merry Christmas.

    1. Thank you, Sharon; it's a difficult journey but one I know He will use to glorify Himself, and that will make it worth it all.

  5. Michelle Strutzenberger2:34 pm GMT-7

    Thanks Susan. I agree that that looking back can be a valuable experience, especially if we are, as you write, "seeking glimpses of His handiwork." I want to take some time for that kind of reflection as this year closes.

    1. I hope you were able to make time for reflection, Michelle, and find glimpses of His handiwork in your life.

  6. Thank you, Susan, for reminding us of the value of reflection and God's presence with us. Looking back and knowing God was there encourages me to also anticipate He will be with me in the future as He is today.

    1. Absolutely, Alan. How encouraging to know He's the same God today as He was yesterday and will be forever.

  7. Well written, Susan. We can indeed look back and find glimpses of God's handiwork. We needn't dwell on the negative things of the past, as there are plenty of beautiful nuggets to find. These golden moments do remind us of what God has already done--and what He's still doing!


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