July 12, 2022

My writing path defined: Illumined by the light: Jesus by Martina Keast


My topics cover Emotive Expressive Art Adventures, Inner Healing, Recovery from Childhood Sexual Abuse & Codependency, Spirituality, and lately, Releasing Creative Streams.

My writing path began in December 1981, forty-one years ago.

I don’t know why, but I bought a journal. My first journal entry was: Nicole has her first tooth. 😊

For the next few years, my journaling consisted of prayers and lists of bills, payments, and what we needed but didn’t have money for; there was always a list of carry-over items. My heart was heavy, and my mind carried many burdens.

In 2002, my journaling changed. I drove across Canada to Thunder Bay, On, and onto Wawa and then Missinabie to work.

I lived alone in a cabin, desperate for change. I begged and pleaded with Jesus. I cried, missing my children and grandchildren. I began to listen to Jesus and wrote down what I felt in my heart. (At that time, I did not know about dialogue journaling, yet I was engaging in this practice.) The twisting and turning and the wrestling were tangible and painful. I cried every day.

In 2004, I took a course called Addiction Worker. I began drafting papers. My papers were awful. A bunch of thoughts put on a paper without connection or flow. I don’t know how I ever passed my courses. Much grace was extended, I am sure.

This writing style would continue until 2009, when I experienced my first stream of consciousness writing, From One Soul Sister to Another. My love for the mission church, the co-workers and co-ministers became evident. I also began my journey with spiritual formation, not realizing I would study this in later years.

After accepting help from Pagemaster Publications, the Beaumont Book Writers Group, Elim Book Writers Club, and mentoring from Ruth L. Snyder and Kate Nash, I am becoming more proficient. I would not have passed my courses if it had not been for all the readers and commenters who contributed to my writing. I am truly blessed.

As an Expressive Art Practitioner [1](WAO), I see more hope, faith, and love in my writing. The darkness lifted. The light is shining in. Thank you, Jesus.

The new path I am on opened last year. The Dwelling Place project: Reflections on my journey toward wholeness, based on papers I wrote for Spiritual Formation and Adult Learning Courses, needed a special drawing card.

I spontaneously had the idea to add Sloan and Esther, an elderly couple, to the storyline.

I fell in love with both right away. They both feel safe and secure in their relationship. I like the way they support and care for each other.

I enjoy writing their conversations in various places on their hobby farms.

Today, I can see how writing about their relationship opened my heart and mind so I would be able to enter a relationship based on respect, honesty, and transparency, and it leaves me feeling safe and secure.

I invite the readers to share their thoughts on leaving the darkness and entering the light (life with Jesus), experiencing love, joy, and peace.


Martina Keast, MTS, EXAP, GCSICA



[1] With Dr. Markus Scott Alexander. World Art Organization, Edmonton AB. 


  1. Thank you for sharing your inspiring journey with us, dear Martina. Writing and creativity are powerful paths to inner healing when combined with a relationship with Jesus. I'm glad God created us in His Image. Creating stories and/or art bring us closer to our authentic selves.
    Blessings ~ Wendy Mac

    1. I agree, Wendy. It takes quite a journey to get to the true or authentic self, as Jesus has created us to be.

  2. I enjoyed hearing about your journey. I am always struck by how each of us has such a varied journey yet there is also a common thread: Jesus!

    1. Yes, Tracy, Jesus, as part of the Trinity, can change our lives as we surrender to Him daily.

  3. Hi Martina! Thank you for sharing your journey with us. I for one, am happy you never gave up your journey. I rejoice for you as the "darkness has lifted. The following line moved this reader, "I see more hope, faith, and love in my writing. The darkness lifted. The light is shining in. Thank you, Jesus." Blessings to you as you continue to move forward and help people on your precious journey.

    1. Thank you, Alan. I appreciate your comment. I also appreciate your poetic posts. Blessings to you as well.


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