July 13, 2022



I declared this as my beach in ancient times.

At the end of a small southern Saskatchewan Lake,
I rest on silent silky sand.

Shorebirds call in twilight,
familiar languages I have heard.
Summer solace.

Often solo I crave 
the cacophony of nature
and silence of man.

The land is owned perhaps
by more than myself.
I don't see it this way,
in my interior life it is mine.

I brave bracken, weeds, old barb wire.
My own fears, 
and interior terrors.
To claim this moment,
of time.

In it,
I am - 
Past, Present and Future
tenses of myself.

The sand
and prairie wind
driven surf
are mine.

They restore my soul.

Like endless grains of sand
I count my daily gratitudes.

Few friendships
are sacred enough to share
this spot, but by firelight
in twilight I have.

Silent we listen
to the echo of ourselves
driven by the desire
for peace and perfection.

so is the interior journey
that feeds 
my writer's soul...

pictures taken June 25, 2021
Spirit Beach exists at the end of a lake
but in name only in my interior life


  1. WOW! I'm not sure what else to say. I feel speechless. This is so beautiful... so deep...

  2. Beautiful poem, dear Sheila. As a nature lover, I especially appreciate time spent in the outdoors.

  3. We don't always need to go to a spot in the wilderness to be refreshed. My writing room and library gives me the feeling of being out of my normal routine.

  4. Anonymous1:24 pm GMT-7

    So beautiful, I will be returning to read this many times over. Thank you for sharing.

  5. Beautiful imagery and words, Sheila.

  6. Hi Sheila! Wow, this is why I love poetry.


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