July 07, 2022

Forrest Gump and My Writing Path by Bob Jones

"I just felt like running." Forrest Gump 

Writing was to me like running was to Forrest Gump. Early in my formative years I started to write. That day I wrote for no particular reason. I wrote a limerick and later a song and not long after a short story. I just felt like writing. Along the way I discovered that building a reputation for writing can provide unexpected opportunities to form a writing career. You are following a path that took you to where you are today. If you reflect on it, you'll see God's nudges along the way.


Whatever talent I had as a kid was raw and remained unrefined. I liked the creative writing portions of high school English classes. The grammar portions were endured, much to my regret. A project in English 11 class was a defining experience. I wrote the story of the Vietnam War through the eyes of a fictional US Marine. I created a journal of his experiences based on a composite of news reports in Life magazine and newspapers. The last page of the journal was an unfinished sentence, on a page stained by what looked like blood. The teacher’s A+ was encouragement enough to contine.


In English 12, I crafted what I imagined a reporter’s journal from 1864 would look like. I wrote the story of the Army of Southern Virginia during the American Civil War. Pictures with handwritten notations were pasted into a scrapbook. I singed the edges of the scrapbook endeavouring to make it look authentic. Another A+.


During my first job as a pastor in 1980, I wrote articles for a Canadian youth magazine, sharing real life stories of teens who came to know Jesus as their Saviour. Over time I got up the nerve to submit articles to a national religious magazine. The editor favoured me by publishing everything I sent and asking for more. More fuel for the fire. Editors are opportunity managers.


God opened doors for me by opening hearts to me. My first published book was the biography of a mom of three very young boys who died of cancer a few weeks after her 30th birthday. Her husband allowed me to include family photos and gave me access to her journals. The last chapter of the book was her husband’s reflections on his grief and his life raising three boys as a single parent. The book, Ornament, won the Word Guild Inspiring Story of the Year in 2015. More fuel for the fire. Two additional books followed.


In 2020 I was asked to ghost write a woman’s story of childhood sexual abuse; her journey of recovery and building a world class treatment centre for victims of childhood sexual abuse. Her story became a Canadian bestseller in 2021.


Are all writers their own worst critic? I am. My best attempts at prose fall short in my own eyes but I see that God can take what I write to benefit others in unexpected ways. In May 2022 I was seated at a conference luncheon next to a stranger who introduced himself by saying he was inspired to pursue his own writing path by reading what I write at REVwords.


And so, I just feel like writing.

How about you?



I write to grow hope, inspire people to be real, forge an authentic faith in Jesus, and discover their life purpose.

Please follow my writing at REVwords.com

I would love to hear from you.


  1. Anonymous5:51 am GMT-7

    There are times when we won't know how our writing has affected others. Then, there are other times when God allows us to receive those messages of encouragement. I am thankful for the gift of writing that God has given to me. :-)

    1. Writing is a gift and gratitude is grace.

    2. Anonymous8:56 am GMT-7

      Pastor Bob - you have inspired me to write as well🌹. Much love to you for all your compassion.

    3. So good to know Anonymous! Please share your first writing with me. I would love to read it!

  2. Thank you, Bob, for this inspiring post. It's encouraging to see how God nudged you to keep writing. I have a feeling you'll be kept busy in heaven meeting all the people you blessed through your written words. Your rewards for faithfully showing up have only just begun.
    Blessings from someone who also loves to write. 🙂

    1. Kind words from you, Wendy. Thank you. Well chosen words make a difference, Yours did today.

  3. Your post is so inspiring, Bob. I enjoyed hearing about your early writing triumphs.

    1. Thank you, Tracy. You are a team player and its great being on your team.

  4. Bob, I so enjoyed reading about your early writing journey. Many wonderful nudges and successes along the way. As for me, I cannot not write - boxes of filled journals attest to that, not to mention all the posts and other pieces that go further afield to a wider audience. Thanks for the inspiring glimpse today.

    1. Brenda, that is cool - "cannot not write." So true.

  5. Thanks, Bob, for sharing with us your early and continuing writing successes. May God continue to bless you as you expand your ministry.

    1. Sandi, there is a lot of path still in front of us at Inscribe. Keep writing and in spiring.

  6. I too am someone who just feels like writing, and yes I'm my own worst critic too. But those little pieces of "fuel for the fire" are such wonderful confirmation. Thanks for sharing your writing journey with us. I enjoyed reading it.

    1. We all need those little pieces don't we? Thank you for speaking into my life today.

  7. Anonymous9:18 am GMT-7

    What an awesome post, Bob. I too felt the urge to tell stories and ran with it. And I do wish God would let us know about those moments when our work blessed others. I get so few moments like that.

    Bruce Atchison

    1. Thank you, Bruce. You have had a long perseverance in the same direction with your writing.

  8. You are using your talents the lord has given you. I am excited to look into the books you have written. Good job and thankyou for your musings and written words they are gifts to the world.

    1. Hi. Thank you for commenting. Let me know if I can help you access the books. Amazon.ca Ornament: The Faith Hope and Joy of Kristen Fersovitch and Warrior and You're Going to be OK"

    2. Anonymous1:00 pm GMT-7

      I’m not a writer but I am a reader and have been and continue to be a follower of Rev Words. Your writings inspire me, challenge me and have helped me grow. I share Rev Words with friends family and even strangers who are interested. Some people have even joined. I thank God for your ministry.
      Also thank you for leading readers to the devotionala in the Bible App. I did 2 of them faithfully. Now with so many issues in churches especially in rural areas it helps to maintain a daily walk with God and connect with other Christians. Thank you Thank you!!!


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