July 22, 2022

An Invitation - Lorrie Orr


                          You are cordially invited...

to waltz with words to the rhythm of your beating heart

to play with sounds and syllables just for giggles

to create lists

     of mundane grocery shopping, knowing that food is never


     of roses that will

          prick you with their thorns and 

          delight you with their fragrance and

          mesmerize you as you gaze into dreamy depths 

                  of endless blushing rosiness

 to pour your purple grief onto the page in torrents of messy

         phrases that will leave you

                   drained, but

                         curiously calm and oddly hopeful

to record the touch of your nose nestled in a small soft neck 

         so that

                   one day, 

                         in the future that is closer than it looks

                   you will relive that moment of fleeting perfection

to begin your longings with "Dearest Mom and Dad"

          to tell beloved ones

                   so far away what it is like

                   to raise children in a verdant jungle 

                   far from the home and country you love

to soothe a grieving soul

to share a bit of humour

to buoy up a downcast friend

to thank a giver 

          for time, for friendship, for kindness

to create stories to tell the world of infinite Love and Beauty

          with the hope that

                   Beauty will resonate from pen to heart 

                   to heart to over and over 

                   and over until

          at last

                   the pen is laid down with nothing left to say

                   and you are cradled

                   in infinite Love


The Blank Page

Lorrie Orr writes from Vancouver Island where she enjoys boating and hiking with her husband. Gardening, sewing, reading, and spending time with her five grandchildren fill her days with happiness and contentment. She is newly retired from teaching high school Spanish. 



  1. Dear Lorrie,
    This is lovely. It erases the intimidation of a blank page and turns it into an invitation instead.
    Thank you & blessings,
    Wendy Mac

  2. Oh my! What an exquisite poem! Thank you.

  3. Playing with words is fun. It's why I love puns and clever metaphors.

    Bruce Atchison and Delta the cat.


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