June 30, 2021

To Thine Own Self Be True - Guest post by Brenda Wood

 If I Write Just to Please You…What Does That say About Me

I scratched my way through a myriad of information about how to get readers and I used some of that advice, but in the process, I may have sold out a bit of my soul. 

I may have slanted my opinions to the popular view. Or lengthened or shortened my pieces to get in line with the current day’s advice feed.

Some days I swarm my readers with words. Occasionally I starve them to death. And I ask myself, what did any of that do in the cause of righting my writing?

Perhaps it made some readers happy; but perhaps others were not struck dumb by my magnificent words.

I must ask my own deep self what did any of that do in the cause of righting my writing?

I answer truthfully. For me, not always very much, because I am the type of person who can write or speak on any given topic on any given day and not run out of words. In my family it is called the Cook gift of gab and I gratefully inherited it. I won lots of debates over the years because I could switch sides in a heartbeat.

But are my words always true to myself or instead, true to the current writing advice? So here I linger, folks, determined to speak only in the clear and true words of my own inner self. 

To my own self I shall be true…You can count on it.

Brenda Wood - Author, speaker and Hopestreamradio.com contributor, Brenda J Wood has been an author and motivational speaker for more years than she cares to admit. She is known for her common sense wisdom, sense of humour and quirky comments. She calls herself the ‘ABC girl’ because she’s survived and written about the ‘ABC’s of abuse, bulimia, cancer, death, entertainment, food, gluttony and humour. Since she’s written books on each of these topics, she hopes the ‘E’ word of her next book stands for something like Energy or Entertainment, but definitely not Exams or Epsom salts!

A few of her favourite things include grandchildren, guest speaking, writing, sewing, a warm fire, a good book, and pounding the pavement on early morning walks. Brenda has authored many books but is very excited about the upcoming - My Affair with Cancer, a fundraiser for the Georgian Bay Cancer Centre in Penetanguishene. Her other books include:
The Food Lover’s Devotional, food for both body and soul
Gentle Humour with Jesus, devotions for the light-hearted
The Pregnant Pause of Grief, the first trimester of widowhood
Meeting Myself, snippets from a binging and bulging mind.
Heartfelt Devotionals, 366 devotions for common sense living.
God, Gluttony & You
Brenda’s Children’s books include:
The Big Red Chair –a book for grieving children
Mother Peebles Problem Pebbles
The Plate Family Dishes Up


  1. Thanks for your wisdom, Brenda. And thank you for rounding out the month of June here on the blog! Blessings to you.

  2. Dear Brenda, thank you for introducing me to the phrase: righting my writing.
    You've challenged me to pay more attention to being true to who God made me to be.
    Blessings - Wendy Mac 🕊️

  3. Amen to today's post and the comments. I'm the only one who can write like me. Even in my music, I never tried to sound like Kraftwerk, Tangerine Dream, or Jean-Michel Jarre. I love them all but I can only compose the way I can compose. It's also obvious when somebody tries to write or play like somebody else. I have an LP by some band called The Beat Boys. They recorded songs by the Beatles on side one, and very badly too, plus their own songs on the flip side. Their own songs weren't bad because it was their stuff done in their style. I guess they had to record Beatles songs to get the recording contract.


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