June 29, 2021

Fall Conference 2021!

Registration For Inscribe's Fall Conference is now open!

We are excited to announce that Fall Conference will be an IN-PERSON event again this year! Save the dates: Thursday, September 30 to Saturday, October 2, 2021, at the Providence Renewal Centre in Edmonton Alberta.

God’s Word Never Changes - Certainty in an uncertain time

Lamentations 3: 22- 23 
Through the Lord’s mercies we are not consumed,
Because His compassions fail not.
They are new every morning;
Great is Your faithfulness. (NKJ) 

Keynote: DS Martin - Canadian Poet

The event includes our annual Thursday evening Author's mixer, a variety of workshops, plus "open space" options. Join us on Saturday for our AGM. 

To get the entire scoop, AND TO REGISTER, visit our website: https://inscribe.org/events/fall-conference/


  1. Wow, DS Martin, writes intriguing and thought provoking poetry.
    I enjoyed this one just now:

    1. So cool! I am glad you've herd of him! Are you planning to attend?

    2. Not this year. Weekends are grammie time for me. I'm not quite ready to part with little guy for this long. 💙

  2. Looking forward to it - and thrilled to have a Canadian Poet as the main speaker. Here's hoping it all goes well, meeting in person, as that has been a huge missing piece for us, hasn't it?


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