June 05, 2021

InScriber Review Day - Terrie Todd

 As you may know, the 5th of each month is set aside to review an InScriber's book. (Or a book on writing or faith.)

Today we are thrilled to feature our own Terrie Todd, an author with some acclaim, to be sure, and if you've read any of her books, you'll know why! Her latest novel ROSE AMONG THORNES is releasing in July, so look for it! However, here is a review of another of her books called BLEAK LANDING:

"I literally read this book all the way through from start to finish. Set in the dirty thirties and on into world war two, the historical facts, as well as location, seem very authentic to the time period. Bridget, a poor immigrant girl, suffers humiliation and abuse, so finally runs away to the big city of Winnipeg where she reinvents herself and learns to make her way in the world. But circumstances force her to return to Bleak Landing, the place she swore she would never go again. Through her many trials and triumphs, she learns to forgive and also comes to a personal knowledge of God's love. Oh - and she also finds romantic love in another unexpected person, too! All in all, this is a wonderful read and I highly recommend it." *Five Stars*

review by Tracy Krauss

If you've read a great book by an Inscribe member or a book about writing or faith that you'd like to share, please contact the moderator. We are always looking for reviews to share on the 5th of each month. 


  1. Such a good book! Looking forward to Rose Among Thornes...

  2. Thank you so much, Tracy!

  3. Wonderful book! I couldn't put it down. The characters are relatable and the story feels so authentic.


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