May 03, 2021

The Words We Need by Lynn J Simpson

“What do you want to be when you grow up?” 

All of us, I can almost guarantee, have been asked “What do you want to be when you grow up?” Maybe from a loving grandmother, or from a favourite aunt, the question was directed to our still growing selves fairly new to the workings of the world and careers available to us. If we were blessed, our utterances of answers such as professional hockey player, astronaut, famous drummer and others were accepted with encouragement and optimism. Some of us though, may have been ridiculed by words uttered by others when disclosing our precious dreams, leaving us feeling silly and disheartened. 

In other words, we may not have received the blessings on our dreams and aspirations we longed for. 

We may devise ways to try to receive words of blessing not unlike Issac's son, Jacob. In the story of Esau and Jacob, we learn of a brother who used deception to receive a blessing from his father. Jacob pretended to be his older brother, Esau, to deceive his father, Issac, to receive a blessing that his older brother was officially owed. That deceit cost Jacob and his family dearly, causing a mess that lasted many years. Interestingly, Jacob would have received the blessing anyway, if he had waited on God’s plan. 

Regardless, we all long for blessing and affirmation. And may try to go to great lengths to feel affirmed. 

For we live in a messy world where more critique, instead of affirmation, may have crippled us in areas of our lives. The good news, though, is words of blessing on us are never too late.  Proverbs 11: 25 tells us “Whoever brings blessing will be enriched, and one who waters will himself be watered.” Whether we are the receiver or the giver, words of blessing enrich and affirm. 

A Writers Blessing for You

May you know you are a child always loved by God. May you be encouraged every day that you are in God’s hands, created to do good works. May any words uttered to you that discouraged your dreams and ambitions be washed away by God’s truth.  May you be aware of God’s presence with you each moment, giving you all that you need. May you know He is present with you during your creative endeavours—in all the words that you write. Your voice, your words matter. May you turn all your anxiety and struggles onto Him who understands. May God’s peace steady your heart when disappointed and discouraged. May God strengthen your confidence as you persevere your writing goals and ministries. May you know and embrace your value through your identity in Christ. And may you never forget you are greatly loved. I love you.

Is there someone that could use a word of blessing from you today? 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. hank you for your encouraging words, Lynn. It reminds us to speak (and write) words of blessing to those around us. (just a minor correction: Jacob and Esau were the sons of Isaac, not Abraham. Genesis 25:21-26)

    1. Thank you for pointing out my error, Valerie! May your day be full of seeing God's blessing!

  3. Oh Lynn... what a blessing your words are to me today! I had to read them several times over and I suspect I will come back to them again. thank you for this blessing - it has truly blessed me.

  4. Amen to that. There was a band called Brotherlove who had a song called "Point The Way, Not The Finger." What a marvelous way to correct a person. May we all be signs pointing The Way.

  5. Hi Lynn! You words throughout this post express love and concern. I embraced them as I read. Throughout my childhood and young adult years I carried the weight of words that shredded my dreams as a boy. I think this is why I desire to encourage people in whatever their dreams or aspirations may be. Lynn, your words give life to my crushed inner boy. Your prayer of blessing holds me up as I continue to serve where God leads me. Hugs and blessings in return to you, my friend.

  6. Very encouraging words. It’s something to come back to and read again and again.
    Pam M.

  7. Thank-you Lynn for tht lovely blessing ... I agree with your line: "we live in a messy world where more critique, instead of affirmation, may have crippled us in areas of our lives. And yes I know many who could use a blessing today as well.

  8. Wonderful post, Lynn. May each of us pass words of blessing on to others.

  9. Thanks, Lynn, for your beautiful blessing to us. I've added your question at the end for a blog topic for 2022!


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