May 29, 2021

Fall Conference AND Fall Contest

Two exciting "Fall" roll-outs happening in June!

Fall Conference

InScribe's Fall Conference 2021 is happening IN PERSON at the Providence Renewal Centre in Edmonton from September 30 to October 2! 

DS Martin, well-known Canadian poet, is our keynote! Plus there are a lot of other workshops lined up! Registration opens on June 21 so keep your eyes open!

For more, check out our Fall Conference page on the website:

Fall Contest

Our annual Fall Contest for members opens on June 1. There are several favourite categories plus some new ones: Poetry, Creative Non-fiction, Children's Fiction, Devotional AND Published Work from 2020!

Great prizes, a chance for possible publication in our magazine, plus so much more. Winners will be announced at Fall Conference.

Check it out here:

Wondering about entering a contest? Watch all or part of this intensive workshop on entering contests - All the whys and hows!

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