May 05, 2021

Book Review - The Wounded Trilogy by Lynn Dove

Today is book review day on the blog and we are featuring member Lynn Dove and her award-winning WOUNDED TRILOGY. 

Shoot the Wounded was a finalist in the 2010 Readers Favorite Book Awards !

Shoot the Wounded, the first book in the “Wounded Trilogy“ is written for youth and young adults, addresses how lies and gossip destroy a person’s spifinalist-flat-webrit. It speaks to the heart of relevant themes such as bullying, teen pregnancy and family violence all the while pointing the characters and ultimately the reader, to hope in Jesus Christ.

Shoot the Wounded is currently being carried in most major Christian Bookstores across Canada and is available at or order from the author at

Heal the Wounded was a finalist in the 2011 Readers Favorite Book Awards in the Christian – General Fiction Category and WINNER of the Bronze Medal in the Young Adult (Coming of Age) category!

The second book in the “Wounded Trilogy“ “Heal the Wounded is the much-anticipated sequel to Lynn Dove’s brilliant debut novel, Shoot the Wounded.

bronze-flat-webAfter the death of their friend, Ronnie (in Shoot the Wounded), Leigh and Jake are trying to come to terms with the aftermath of Ronnie’s death. As their love grows for one another, Leigh and Jake must face a series of devastating, life-changing events that will challenge their love and their relationship with God.

Tim, Ronnie’s brother, a bitter and tormented young man after the death of his sister, becomes the target of bullies at his school. Feeling hopeless and alone, he cuts himself to find that emotional release to let go of the pain he deals with everyday.

Trying to embrace his newfound faith, Mike, Jake’s best friend, lives in his own private nightmare dealing with the consequences of his parent’s constant arguing and his father’s alcoholism.

Heal the Wounded, like Shoot the Wounded, delves even deeper into the real world of teenagers trying to live out their faith in the midst of upset and struggle.

Will these youth find God’s healing and hope in the middle of hurt and heartache?

“Brilliantly written, poignantly told, readers who loved Shoot the Wounded will not be disappointed with Heal the Wounded‘s powerful message and the on-the-edge-of-your-seat storyline.” Shellie Neumeier, Author of Driven.

Heal the Wounded is available on, on Journey Thoughts and wherever fine books are sold!

Love the Wounded the third and final book in the trilogy was awarded the Literary Classics prestigious Seal of Approval as well as the Silver Medal for faith-based fiction.

seal of approvalCover Design for Love the WoundedLove the Wounded” by Lynn Dove is the final and dramatic conclusion to her brilliant Wounded Trilogy series that has followed the lives of teenagers Jake, Leigh, Mike, Dylan and Tim as they come to terms with a series of tragedies and events that have made each of them question why God allows “bad things to happen to good people”.

Leigh does not know who to choose…her heart tells her she will always love Jake, but he has changed so much since the death of their friend, Ronnie, and with his mother going through breast cancer, he has totally closed himself off from her emotionally. Now she is dating Dylan and try as she might to accept him for who he is, she can’t stop thinking about Jake!

Dylan has never gotten over the loss of his father and little sister, killed by a drunk driver when he was just a young boy.

After a horrific accident that has put both Tim and his little brother, Evan in the hospital, everyone knows that not only is he being bullied at school; he cuts himself to cope with it all. But meeting Cassidy has given him the courage to stand up to the bullies and at the same time give her what she so desperately needs…a life-giving bone marrow transplant.

Jake’s mother keeps telling him that “God works all things out for good” but with all the things going on in his life and with his friends, he’s just not sure anymore. It is only after Mike is paralyzed in a car accident that Jake was partially responsible for that all the families and friends will be brought back together, not by coincidence, but by God’s design and then Jake will finally believe that God truly does “Love the Wounded”.

“A life of working with youth has inspired Lynn Dove, a Cochrane mother to turn her experiences into a book trilogy…(the Wounded Trilogy) series that parallels the struggles of students…(and) covers the angst of some of the real serious issues that teenagers face today, particularly with bullying and gossip. ” -Rocky View Weekly-

Love the Wounded can be found on and, on Lynn's blog Journey Thoughts and wherever fine books are sold!


  1. What a great set of books, Lynn. May the Lord work through your writing to give hope and encouragement to teens. I sure needed that when I was in high school.

  2. Thanks, Bruce! Thank-you InScribers for featuring my books this week!


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