July 01, 2020

How Has God Given You Extraordinary Directions? By Sandi Somers

Image by Bridge Community Church
God gives us extraordinary directions—ways of making His mind and will known to us, just as He did with Moses.

One ordinary day as Moses was tending sheep, he saw a burning bush that was strangely not burning up. As he looked carefully at this strange phenomenon, God told him to take off his sandals because he was standing on holy ground. Then God commissioned him to go back to Egypt and deliver His people out of slavery.

We may not see God's extraordinary directions from something as spectacular as Moses' burning bush.  We may see no blaze in the sky or light from heaven. We may see no spectacular miracle.

Our extraordinary directions may often appear clothed in the ordinariness of every day.

So it was with me last spring. Two friends and I began praying for Canada. As I read Canada’s statistics, I became alarmed at how much our country is becoming decreasingly Christian. Although 75% call themselves Christians, only 8% are considered devoted followers of Christ, and these numbers are declining.

I sensed God calling me to pray for spiritual renewal—for people to turn back to God, for Christ followers to hunger for a deeper relationship with Him, and for people to pray for our critical situations in Canada—including some dire needs in my province, Alberta.

The particular verse God gave me was 2 Chronicles 7:14:

If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves
and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways,
I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land.

Little did I know what was coming. This spring the Covid-19 pandemic burst upon us with the force of a tornado. The implications of its seriousness became the conduit for calling people to Him.

I joined others in Zoom meetings to pray for our churches, Canada, and nations around the world.  I saw and heard of people turning to God.

I knew I was participating in great spiritual changes.

God has myriads of ways of giving us extraordinary directions. He may come in soft whispers through a prompt to call someone in need. He may send His angels ahead of us in divine timing to meet a person’s need that was unknown to us. Or He may simply guide us in doing the next thing.

And yes, God does direct in extraordinary ways. He may speak loudly through a burning need that arises in us—our heart pounds or our palms perspire.  Sometimes the Sprit’s inner voice is so strong that we obey and discover later that our prayers or presence has rescued someone from great danger.

Image by JerushaAgen.com
But whatever reasons or ways God communicates, Moses' experience with the burning bush teaches us to take off our metaphorical shoes and reverence God’s presence. He teaches us to notice, and then draw close to “ponder what it might mean, with utter willingness to follow the wisdom or guidance that comes."[i] God will be with us as we take that step of faith. 

As we do so, we will participate in His greater purposes to extend Christ’s kingdom on earth in our own spheres of influence.

When and how has God come to you with extraordinary directions?
What did you discover about God’s purposes in your family, community, marketplace, church and beyond?
How did your experience(s) impact your own life, your faith, and your writing?

[i] Ruth Haley Barton. Strengthening the Soul of Your Leadership. Downers Grove, IL: IVP Books. 2020, 2018. P. 70.


  1. What a wonderful spiritual prayer renewal! Yes, God does thing in extraordinary ways and is extraordinary!

    1. Thanks, Lynn, Yes, we praise our extraordinary Lord!

  2. I'm sure this will prove to be another interesting and enlightening month of posts.

    1. Thanks, Tracy, Yes, our writers will have many personal perspectives to add to this conversation!

  3. It’s always exciting when God shows up in extraordinary ways to lead us. I’m so thankful for you Sandi that you obey and that you are praying for Canada. 😊❤️

    1. Thanks, Pam. I look forward to your blog post!!

  4. A stirring reminder of how our obedience has power with God and for His purposes!
    Thank you, Sandi. 😃

    1. Thanks, Diane, It's true that obedience to His prompting is the key to unleash the power of God into ours and others' lives and situations!

  5. "Our extraordinary directions may often appear clothed in the ordinariness of every day.” This is such a true statement, Sandi. Thanks for this and what you have to say about listening for and following God’s lead. The statistics about the dwindling number of devout Christians, or true followers of Christ, in our own country are indeed shocking. In light of this and the pandemic, the verse you quote from 2 Chronicles 7: 14 is a call for specific prayer as you are doing, Sandi. Thank you for reminding us of God’s promise.

    "If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves
    and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways,
    I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land.”

    I will join you in that prayer. Amen.

    1. Thanks for joining me in prayer, Sharon!

  6. Thanks very much for your post, Sandi. Will be joining you and the ‘other Sharon’ in prayer for Canada.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.


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