July 12, 2020

A God Moment in a Sunrise by Brenda Leyland

"God speaks in ways
that are personal to us." 

Some of the sweetest, most thrilling, poignant moments of my life have been when God has spoken directly to me—through a verse or song, a persistent inner nudge, a definite word for something I needed in a situation. My life narrative for the most part has not been one of high drama, so I have rarely received high drama messages from Him—although my friend and I years ago received a simultaneous inner warning late one night at a city bus stop that we were in eminent danger and needed to 'get out of here now', which we heeded without question.

The event that came to mind to share here does not involve anything as dramatic as a warning or life changing direction. Nonetheless it was unforgettable for me. It was early one morning in August many years ago. I had been asleep but felt myself struggling to wake up. I could hear someone calling my name. Fully awake I realized the voice had been in my dream; everyone else in the house was still asleep. The voice didn't seem urgent, but it had been clear and persistent. Had I been awakened for a particular reason? I was ready....

I slipped out of bed and glanced through the window. Oh my, the whole westerly sky was alive with bright pink clouds against purple grey ones. Grabbing my camera, I rushed outside where it was even more spectacular.

No matter which way I turned, the heavens were ablaze with colour. Dazzled, I stood agape as mottled clouds transformed into a sky-size canvas awash in shades of salmon and coral, hints of grape at the horizon.

It started to sprinkle and on top of that vast canvas a rainbow began to emerge. I kept thinking how cool is this and found myself laughing. Lord, this is you, isn't it? You woke me up so we could share this splendid sunrise together.

I twirled round and round to catch it all; I didn't want to miss a thing. It was breathtaking. And then towards the south, in front of my eyes, not just one but two full rainbows were arcing the sky. 

It all lasted about 20 minutes, and then grey clouds blanketed the sky. Only a hint of apricot remained where the sun peeked through. Anyone looking from their window at that stage might have said, oh there's the sun, how nice, but we knew they'd missed the real show. Most poignant for me came the thought, what if I had not heard or heeded the voice calling my name? I, too, could have snoozed right past one of the most enthralling sunrises of my life.

There was no extenuating circumstance where I needed Him to show himself to me in such an unforgettable way. I guess I always thought dreams from God were for important business like warnings or definite instructions....not for getting up to watch a sunrise. Except, in a love relationship Lovers are always looking for ways to delight the Loved One. The Lord certainly knows how I delight in the beauty and wonder of his creation. In the great scheme of things, perhaps this wasn't one of life's weightiest moments, but it certainly was one of the most enchanting I have ever shared with Him. And every time I think of it, I feel exquisitely loved by Him.

© Photo credits: Brenda C Leyland
(Photos in original state, not edited in any way)

A long-time InScribe member, Brenda writes from her home in Alberta, Canada. She shares her love of the beautiful in everyday life with readers on her blog at It's A Beautiful Life and Facebook.


  1. Wow, a gorgeous sunrise, definitely worth getting up for! It's easy to miss the still small voice, but life is so much richer when we are able to listen and follow.

    1. Life truly is much richer! Thanks for leaving a footprint of your presence here, Kathy.

  2. What a special and loving calling by God? And you got out of bed to see what he wanted to show you, Brenda. Obedience with a reward, I’d call it. Thanks for sharing this beautiful story and the photos that go with it.

    1. Sharon, it certainly was one of those extraordinary moments in my life. So grateful I paid attention or I'd have missed the whole thing. What's that old saying: obedience brings blessing.

  3. Spectacular!! These pictures are so beautiful and I'm sure the 'real' show was even more wonderful. What a blessing!!

    1. Thanks, Tracy. It's true, the pictures barely tell the splendour.

  4. Beautiful!! I love hearing stories of how God talks to us personally in small ways.

    1. Cassandra, truly, they are the best moments in life. Thanks for stopping by.

  5. This post spoke to my heart so deeply. And this: “In a love relationship, Lovers are always looking for ways to delight a Loved One.” What a precious, intimate moment between you and the one who loves you. Thank you for sharing it with us. I won’t forget this post for a long time.

    1. It's one of those truly sweet memories that I take out and treasure all over again when I remember it. So appreciate your comments, Joy!

  6. Did you applaud afterward? One Ziggy comic had him under a glorious sunrise and he clapped while saying, "Go God!"

    1. I think I must have, Bruce, I was so blown away by it.

  7. I love the way God spoke to you, urging you to share in the beauty he created, knowing your love of beauty. Amazing!

  8. Brenda,
    Thanks for sharing this “God moment” with us through words and pictures. It reminds me of the hymn about God’s love...”The love of God is greater far than tongue or pen can ever tell...” We have so much for which to be grateful!

    1. Ruth, That's a lovely old hymn with such timeless words - His love for us is so amazing.

  9. Wow. How great is our God. Thanks for sharing, Brenda

  10. Brenda, this is absolutely wonderful! I had shivers reading it. I love your conclusion that lovers are always looking for ways to delight the loved one, but must add, by sharing it here you have made your experience meaningful for us as well. I'm sure for one of your readers this is meeting a very deep need in this moment.


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