July 06, 2020

Extraordinary Direction at a Crossroads by Bob Jones

We were at a crossroads. Our lead pastor informed me, and the rest of our staff that he would be announcing his resignation on the coming Sunday.  He had battled with diminishing health for three years. As his Associate pastor and friend, I prayed he would return to his strong leadership capacity. Suddenly, the horizon looked cloudy.

Early the next morning I settled into my habitual meeting place with God – kneeling, face down in the cushion of a chair in the corner of our living room.  “What should I be doing, Lord?” Immediately, which is unusual timing in my encounters with God, I heard the words, “You will be the next lead pastor.” Though not audible, they were as clear as they were extraordinary.  And surprising.

Our church was considered a “flagship” among the 1,000 plus congregations in our fellowship.   Stellar leadership and high expectations were hallmarks, with four previous lead pastors advancing on to lead the entire Fellowship. When I was invited to join the staff, my role was as an assistant pastor responsible for Children and Missions.  Three years later, I filled those roles as well as being the Associate Pastor.  When the Pastoral Search Team created a list of candidates for the Lead role, my name was not among them. Having no lead pastor experience was not in my favour.

If not for the words God spoke to me, I would have been crushed. But I felt only assurance.  Where there is no faith in the future there is no power in the present.  The clarity of the direction, “You will be the next lead pastor,” gave me peace as the Search Team processed 32 candidates. During the search process, I happily gave interim leadership to the congregation and Board.  When all 32 candidates were either not amenable to the role or not suitable to the Search Team, I wasn’t surprised. 

A few weeks later, the congregation voted me in as their Lead pastor.  That was bold and trusting of them, as I became one of the youngest leaders in the 100-year history of the church.  Reflecting on the experience inspires me with gratitude for the opportunity, and humility for God’s extraordinary direction.

Over the course of the next quarter century of leadership, remembering the corner chair and the still small voice was a source strength and reassurance during challenging days.  I was the right person, in the right place, at the right time.

Extraordinary direction is available for the writing life. God cares personally about you, and invites you to glorify Him through no better way than sharing stories of His guidance. 

“Commit everything you do to the Lord, trust Him and he will help you.” (Psalm 37:5)


  1. This is an inspiring story of trusting in God's direction. He knew you would be the right man for the position, Bob! The fact that you waited and faithfully supported the search committee as they went through all those candidates speaks well of your faith and humility. I particularly like the sentence, "Where there is no faith in the future there is no power in the present." Great post!

  2. You are good at encouragement, Val! Thank you.

  3. When you know that you know that you know, there's no budging a person from that solid place of trust. Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful story with us -- enjoyed it very much!

  4. So true about "knowing," Brenda. Assurance is different than over-confidence.

  5. Your story parallels several others I've heard, Bob. A church searches and searches for a pastor, and then God shows them His ideal person right in their congregation! Your story was a definite extraordinary leading.

    Thanks, too, for your encouragement for us as writers with this paragraph: "Extraordinary direction is available for the writing life. God cares personally about you, and invites you to glorify Him through no better way than sharing stories of His guidance.

  6. "Where there is no faith in the future there is no power in the present." If I was reading your post on paper, I'd be underlining that line! Do you still have that corner chair? Thanks for the encouragement and remembrance to seek, listen and trust God's voice

    1. The corner is still there but the chair is gone. :) Thank you, Lynn.

  7. Good post, Bob. It just gave me an idea for my post on the 28th.

    Please contact me offline as I have something you might like to have.

  8. Carole Schlachta9:54 am GMT-7

    You know the Lord brings something to my mind very clearly. Remember when you stood on the platform of this church and you were leading in worship, you stopped, put the mike on the dias and said , "we are going to worship God now."
    You lead the worship! Suddenly from the back of the church we could hear the sound of a wind. It rolled forwards towards us on the platform. The senior Pastor stood up, he was sitting in front of me. As I was in the choir, and he said, to me, Carole, what was that!" We felt the wind very lightly, the rush and roar of it stopped. That was for you! What an amazing annointing from God. I would say life changing, strengthening and new horizons.
    You had done an amazing lead of the youth. I have never forgotten you or anything you told me. I told you about a friend who had just been married and 2 weeks later her husband died. I was shattered for her. I asked you "why". Your answer to me was this; "You have to get passed the why to the what!" Pastor Bob, I am saying to you. You have come a long way. You lived with us in th "why times"! Look back at how God has used you. Look at the lives you have touched and still are; through the leading of the Holy Spirit. My, my, living for years and being faithful to God. Teaching, loving, caring, doing the Will of God, and NOW COMES THE WHAT! You tell me What! You know by the power of the Holy Spirit.
    God will heal your eye. He didnt tell you to stop! Did He! WELL! I can hardly wait for the WHAT! You will know, only you, but dont you dare stop fighting for those who are in great need for salvation at this time. Look at this virus, our country and people scared, fear! Pastor Bob do not look to anyone elses ministry! You are finally at the WHAT for you! That moment of rushing Holy Spirit wind was not just a breeze, now comes the annointing where God has brought.
    Remember, we sometimes don't undrstand but that was an anointing on you, that morning at LEC! Pastor Bob,you tell me from why now give us the What through the power of the Holy Spirit.
    God bless you abundantly with every good thing. Amen

  9. I love these stories of God's gracious leading and strengthening! Thanks, Bob!

  10. When you know you've heard the Shepherd's voice beyond the shadow of a doubt, there is reason for rest and assurance. Thanks for sharing your story, Bob.

  11. Thank you for connecting, Susan. I hope the story was helpful.


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