June 13, 2019

When God Lifts Me Up by Wendy L. Macdonald

I’ve noticed there’s a particular time when God speaks to me about my writing and lifts me up. The rest of the time I need to show up and trust that my efforts will be used for a Higher Purpose. Being an inspirational writer parallels the faith walk in many ways. We need to trust that during the lean times (when time to write leans near nil), God still multiplies what we offer to feed those He has in mind.

Often, in the process, we—the writers—are the ones who are fed first.

I’m a needy writer. I regularly hunger for affirmation from God. It’s not a daily need. I can write for weeks before the desperation sets in. But when a bottoming out of my writing sprints occur, I sit on the side of the racetrack, stare at my untied running shoes, and wonder if I should bother tying them up again.

 I think things like:

No one needs what I have to say.
I’m not worthy to write worthwhile words.
I might as well go back to my former hobbies and forget about writing for others.
My journal is enough to satisfy my cravings to write (Insert laughing emoji here.).

Then, I tie my laces up and head down the track because I’ve done enough laps to know that if God thinks I need encouragement, He’ll send it. If He doesn’t send it, then maybe I am supposed to hang up my writing shoes.

The last time my writerly enthusiasm bottomed out, an email arrived with a contract for me to sign regarding something that had previously been shortlisted for an inspirational magazine. Once again, God spoke to me about my writing:

 Keep running.

As I read the devotional that had been contracted, I was ministered to just as I had been when I wrote it. It was about being content with our little corner of the world—being content with where God has planted us to grow (or write).

And this reminds me of something the apostle Paul wrote:

I am not saying this because I am in need,
 for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances.
 I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty.
 I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation,
 whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.
 I can do all this through him who gives me strength. 
Philippians 4:13 NIV

I'm nosy-to-know:
How does God lift you up when your writer’s heart is down? 

Blessings ~ Wendy Mac


  1. God lifts my heart by providing story ideas. He is so faithful in giving me encouragement.

    1. Dear Melissa, there's no better Author than God; you're wise to be a funnel for His story ideas.
      Blessings as you continue to write for Him ~ Wendy Mac

  2. Sometimes I also feel that my journal should satisfy my craving to write, and sometimes God also uses my own writing "for others" to speak to me. Sometimes I even say to myself while reading the latter, "Wow! I wrote this?!" LOL. I think those particular writings must be divinely inspired :)

    1. Dear Susan, I smiled at: "Wow! I wrote this?!" When I have an inspired writing experience, I initial the writing so that later, after I've long forgotten about it, I don't doubt I wrote it. :)
      Blessings ~ Wendy Mac

  3. Reading a devotional, such as this one you posted here, lifts me up. What you said and the beautiful passages from Philippians reminds me that with God’s presence, I am content regardless of circumstances and that God will give me the strength to handle what I need to do and how I need to be. I have just pulled on my work clothes and I will use about an hour to do some yard work. I will do one thing at a time. Thank you.

    1. Thank you, dear Sharon. I strive to live in the one-thing-at-a-time realm. It's a peaceful place. Providence provides so that we're productive according to His perfect will.
      Blessings ~ Wendy Mac

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. What an uplifting post. (And a stunning picture, too! Beautiful!) I really related to the thought that God often uses my writing to speak to ME first.

  6. Thank you, dear Tracy. The flower is growing in the most ordinary place. Its presence transformed it (I hear whispers of an analogy in this.). Yes, sometimes I'm sideswiped by an unexpected and humbling direction a piece of writing takes me. The Spirit is always at work in us.
    Blessings ~ Wendy Mac

  7. "Often, in the process, we—the writers—are the ones who are fed first." As well as being taught before given the go-ahead to write!! ;-) Great article Sis, hope it inspires many, not just in the blogosphere, but those others who have a penchant for writing!! God bless richly and abundantly!

    1. Thank you, Pastor Roland. Today, I was just saying to my husband I'm grateful for the Indwelling Teacher who helps us learn and understand as He desires us to. I'm also glad the Lord never gives up on us.
      Blessings ~ Wendy Mac

  8. Oh your words are such an encouragement Wendy! My husband and I had just talked about this verse yesterday! God's reminders come just in time to keep us trusting Him!

    1. Thank you, dear Bettie. It's like a hug from God when He reminds us we can trust Him. So often when I craved an encouraging word, I said to Him and to myself that I know He'll provide it if He thinks I truly need it. Trust pleases Him.
      Blessings, dear friend.

  9. We all need a recharge. Just like my talking pocket Bible, it converts sunlight into electricity which powers the device to read for me God's Holy Scripture. But the sun doesn't always shine so we need to wait until the clouds disburse.

    1. Yes, Bruce, and while we are waiting for the clouds to part, our trust muscles get a good workout. God is faithful, so we can have faith He'll shine inspiration over and through us at just the right time.
      Blessings ~ Wendy Mac


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