June 15, 2019

Call of the Heart by Tracy Krauss

Long ago God spoke in many different ways to our fathers through the prophets, in visions, dreams, and even face to face, telling them little by little about his plans. (Hebrews 1:1, TLB)

I love this month's prompt and quite honestly had many different thoughts about how I could write on this theme. I sincerely believe that God has called some of us to write, and include myself in this group. Does this mean it is easy? Never! Sometimes (quite often, in fact) I feel as though I am 'writing against the grain'. Firstly, I believe God can use fiction to affect the lives of believers and non-believers alike and prefer writing it, although I have also written some non-fiction. I've written several posts on this topic including one called The Power of Fiction. 

As well, my novels seem to fall into what some might call the 'edgy' camp. My tagline, "Fiction on the edge without crossing the line" sums up what readers can expect. I do not purposely use vulgarity or gratuitous elements, but my stories are not always squeaky clean. I've had feedback from both those who appreciate the authenticity of my work and those who are uncomfortable with certain topics or character behaviour. I have come to terms with it. I will probably never have the large fanbase that some Christian novels do such as 'Amish' stories or sweet romances, but I believe that there is a place for my work. Reader feedback tells me this and so I persevere in writing what I feel God has called me to write.
Beyond the call to write, the verse used as a prompt this month really caught my attention for another reason. Many have already heard the story of the vision God gave me while I was waiting for open heart surgery two years ago. I was in St Paul's Hospital in Vancouver waiting for an angiogram and saw a very clear picture of my heart with four words emblazened on it. The words were: FEAR, DOUBT, ANXIETY, and PRIDE. I admit that I do not know whether this was in a dream, a vision while I was awake, or whether it was drug induced since I was on a lot of medication. However, it impressed me so much that I drew a picture of it in my journal. 

After my angiogram, I was given a picture of my heart showing four blocked arteries. The blocked arteries coincided exactly with the ones in my vision! I felt God saying that the physical by-pass I was about to go through also had spiritual application. Since then I have purposed to renounce all fear, doubt, anxiety and pride, for they have been by-passed in my life. 

I have been encouraged and inspired by other people's posts this month. Even when I feel discouraged about my writing, I need only think back to the many times that God has proven Himself. He has called me to write for Him and has by-passed all fear, doubt, anxiety and pride in my writing journey as well as in my life as a whole, including serving as InScribe's current president. 


  1. Hi Tracy! Your post is a neat read. I know that isn't a profound statement but it's what came to my mind a couple of minutes after reading it. Your last sentence reminded me of keeping the best to last. It seems to sum up your life not just your writing."He has called me to write for Him and has by-passed all fear, doubt, anxiety and pride in my writing journey as well as in my life as a whole, including serving as InScribe's current president. Just like your vision seemed to, the sentence packs a wallop of confidence as I read it. Thank you for sharing this confident post with us Tracy. :)

  2. Dear Tracy, what a powerful post. I admire your courage in writing as God leads you to. It would feel empty and meaningless to write any other way.
    Often I've thought about how much more of an audience my photography would have if I ditched the Scriptures and references to God in my posts--but it would feel pointless when the audience member I care most about is Jesus.
    Your vision gave me goosebumps. God is good to gift us in the middle of stuff that appears nothing like a present.
    Blessings ~ Wendy Mac

  3. Thank you Tracey ... and I love your title-call of the Heart ... your heart as well as ours have been called in various ways to renounce our fear, live and write to God's honour.

  4. Dear Tracy, I get a shiver when I read your post. "God works in mysterious ways his wonders to perform.” I am awed by the way God used a dream, a parallel to your surgery, to speak to you about the “error of your ways.” And who among us does not sin in the areas of Fear, Doubt, Anxiety and Pride. I know I certainly do. How wonderful that God did a parallel surgery on the heart of your soul! You are now “remade” for service in your writing and in your life. May God continue to use and bless you, Tracy, to his honour and glory.

    1. Yes, but two yers later, I sometimes have to remind myself that the 'surgery' has already been done!


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