April 13, 2019

Today, I Die by Wendy L. Macdonald


Today, I die.

I don’t understand why they’re crucifying Jesus too.

Blood oozed from every wound and pore of Christ’s body. Flies as numerous as those I felt on my own pierced hands and feet feasted on the fluids that dripped as He drifted closer to death.

Pain, putrid odors, and nausea staved off any hunger and thirst I may have otherwise suffered as well.

Are the religious leaders jealous because Jesus has already grown a large following? Did they think He would have robbed their pockets of what they’ve already picked from other people?

I’m a thief, but Jesus is no criminal.

The only things He seems to have stolen are the hearts of the ordinary people through the good deeds He has done.

But why doesn’t He save Himself?

He saved the blind, saved the sick, and raised the dead. What benefit is it for a good man to die and leave bad men to carry on with their corruption?

Is there something I’m not understanding?

“Stop,” I tried to shout, but only rasped, as the other thief who’s as guilty as me mocks Christ. 

Why does he join the haters?

Doesn’t he know what miracles this man of God has done? And yet, I haven’t heard a word of Jesus asking payment for the healings. No begging from a man who begs our respect. He owns nothing of this world, and yet, I sense He has the power to rise up, dethrone, and take the crown Himself.

I suck in my breath and attempt to shout, but only a hoarse whisper sounds, “Stop, he hasn’t sinned. We deserve this cruel death. But not He who has been good and kind—even perfect.”

Jesus turned His head and looked at me with eyes brimming with compassion.

I turned away, ashamed.

How does He have anything left to share? Doesn’t He see my lifetime of thievery—my lifetime of caring little for others and caring lots for booze, bread and the beds of wayward women? Oh, God, I have sinned to the depths of darkest hell. I deserve this torture.

I returned my gaze to His battered body. A tear, a single tear, slipped down the swollen, torn, and holy cheek that faced me.

Did He weep for me? For all who have rejected God? Is it too late to turn away from all I’ve been and done? Oh, wretched thief that I am. How could I think to ask for mercy when I lived mercilessly? 

He nodded. A single nod Jesus gave me.

Has He read my mind? Did He see all of it? So much sin abides in me. I crave to die free from the memory and the stench of it all, a stench worse than the filth of these stained crosses. Can He do this? Is He truly the Son of God as He claimed to be?

I saw love. I saw mercy. I saw… God… in Him.

Yes, He is God in the flesh.

“Jesus,” I heard myself say, “Will you remember me when you go to be with the Father?”

Before He replied, a flood of power whooshed through my body and soul. I felt cleansed. I felt forgiven. I felt a peace, joy, and love I’ve never known.

Jesus, the Messiah, answered me and I know He spoke the truth when He promised I would be with Him in His Father’s kingdom.


Today, I live.

Jesus answered him, "Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise."
 Luke 23:43 NIV


  1. His compassion and love shown to another even when He himself was experiencing so much pain. Wonderful perspective. Thank you!

    1. Thank you, dear Lynn. Recently, a friend of mine died from cancer; she prayed for all of us even in the midst of great suffering. She not only loved Jesus--she lived Jesus.
      Blessings ~ Wendy Mac

  2. Thanks, Wendy, for this beautiful and moving recount of the repentant thief on the cross beside our Lord. May God bless your gospel message to your readers. Amen.

    1. Thank you, dear Sharon. This is my favorite story in the Bible. It gives me hope for those I've prayed for; Jesus hears the deathbed cries of the lost. Amazing grace.
      Blessings ~ Wendy Mac

  3. So very beautiful and moving Wendy! "Today I live" even as death enveloped him, because of the mercy of Jesus. Amen.

    1. Thank you, dear Bettie. Amen to His amazing mercy.
      Blessings ~ Wendy Mac

  4. Replies
    1. Thank you, dear Brenda.
      Blessings ~ Wendy Mac

  5. Very powerful. Thank you for sharing with us.

    1. Thank you, dear Melissa. Jesus demonstrated love like no one else ever has or ever will.
      Blessings ~ Wendy Mac

  6. Thank-you Wendy ... for this moving re-telling of the story from the one thief on the cross. Today I die, today I live; a powerful part of the Easter story.

    1. Thank you, dear Jocelyn. I appreciate how God made sure this story was included in the Scriptures to remind us it's all about grace, all about Jesus.
      Blessings ~ Wendy Mac

  7. Thank you Wendy. Sometimes we need flowers. Sometimes we need a powerful punch. This rivets the soul. God's words through you. Thanks be to God. Because He lives, I can face tomorrow...

    1. Thank you, dear Diana. Yes, the story of God's amazing grace is always soul riveting. I love that song: "Because He lives, I can face tomorrow..."
      Blessings ~ Wendy Mac

  8. What a powerfully moving post! <3

    1. Thank you, dear Theresa. The Passion is poignant no matter what angle we view it from. I'm so grateful for His grace.
      Blessings ~ Wendy Mac


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