April 29, 2019

Stay Connected

There are so many ways to connect with your fellow inScribe members:

Yahoo Group or ‘Listserv’
This is one place to share writing-related resources, ask questions, share good news, or anything else writing related. We also make important announcements such as upcoming contests, contest winners, upcoming events and so on. (If you want to participate in the Word Challenges, you will want to join this group!)  There is also a prayer group that you may be interested in joining. If you haven't already done so, contact Gwen Mathieu and she'll set you up. (See the website for details)

You will be asked to create a new yahoo email account if you don’t already have one. However, you do not need to use this as your primarily email account. It is just for signing up to the group and you can request that all correspondence through this yahoo ‘listserv’ come to your regular email address. Follow Gwen’s instructions if you have difficulty. (This may mean having to start a new email rather than hitting “reply to sender”.)

Facebook Group
Ask to join our InScribe Christian Writers’ Fellowship Members Group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/75980688935/
This is another way to stay in touch, join in the conversation, and keep abreast of upcoming events. (Members only.)

Facebook Page
What’s the difference between a group and a page? Groups are meant as a place for interaction among members – a place for people to ask questions and comment, while pages are often more focused on announcements etc. and are moderated by the ‘owners’. Both are good places to find out about what is happening in InScribe. Our page can be found here: InScribe Christian Writers’ Fellowship - https://www.facebook.com/CanadianWriters/

InSide InScribe
Periodically, we send out a newsletter called InSide InScribe. It’s another way to stay in tune with what is happening in terms of events, contests, and other news of interest. Please check your email inbox as well as your spam folder.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the reminder, Tracy, of how easy it is to stay connected with InScribe.


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