January 22, 2018

Faith, Writing And Painful Challenges by Alan Anderson

“Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.” ( Isaiah 41: 10 NKJV)

2018 began how 2017 ended for my wife and I. In the latter part of 2017 we began regularly attending an Eastern Orthodox Christian church. It continues to be a welcome change in our worship and day-to-day life.

Near the end of 2017 it was confirmed my wife, Terry, has uterine cancer. We entered 2018 with the prospect of her having surgery. People asking, “Lord have mercy”, sent many prayers to God. I rejoice that her surgery on Jan. 9 went well. She is still recovering from her surgery at the date of this post. To date, she has experienced little pain. Now we wait for her lab results that will hopefully confirm the cancer has been contained.

I have to be honest and confess that the ending of last year and the beginning of this year have been met with mixed emotions. I experienced joy that our family, friends and new church are an amazing support network. I also experienced a sense of fear at the prospect of Terry’s cancer. In my joy I expressed my faith in God. In my fear, I guess I showed a lack of faith and a reminder of my frailty.

This month’s writing prompt asks, “How is God speaking to you about your faith and writing this year?” At this point in time I’m not sure what He is saying to me. I have a strong desire to bring hope to my readers in spite of pain or challenges that life brings. Perhaps then God is saying keep writing regardless of painful challenges. Maybe that’s the direction God is preparing for me.

In anticipation of this direction I am stepping out in faith by accepting an invitation by a local wellness business owner. She invited me to present a series on grief related issues. I view this as a step of faith due to the fact the first time this series was scheduled no community interest was shown. Hopefully it will be different when I begin the series in March.

I also began a series of posts on my Blog at scarredjoy.wordpress.com. This series began at the end of 2017 and is carried over into 2018. I call the it, “Things That Matter In The Face Of Cancer.” It is a consideration of what I am observing as I walk with Terry in her experience with cancer. Perhaps I could also have called it, “Writing with Tears.”

I hope I am not discouraging readers as they read this post. I do have faith in God. I sense His presence. I know Terry’s cancer has not taken Him by surprise. I think what it might be is cancer has reminded me of our mortality as we live this life. It has also confronted us with the reality of living a life of faith in all circumstances.

When her doctor confirmed Terry had cancer I was fearful. Forgive me if that showed my lack of faith. I also asked God why it wasn’t me who had cancer. I mean, this is Terry’s second time with cancer, only a different kind. It was one of these experiences where as a man and husband I wanted to protect my wife. He allowed me to express that to Him.

In writing this post, in showing the frailty of my mortality, I realize once again that painful challenges are part of life. I cannot prevent things like cancer, no matter how much I hate them. I can, however, live and write a life of faith, knowing God knows all about it.

Blog: ScarredJoy@wordpress.com


  1. We need look no further than the bible to see examples of how God uses our human suffering to advance His Kingdom. Rest assured I continue to pray for you and Terry. I am so grateful for your unique and thoughtful 'voice' each month, Alan. Continue to write what God puts on your heart.

    1. Thank you Tracy! To recognize one's brokenness and frailty is emotionally healthy. In some way we identify with Jesus even in our suffering. Even in her present experience with cancer Terry and I are together. Now we wait for news of her lab results. Our prayer is that the surgery removed all of the cancer. Thank you for how encouraging you are to me Tracy!

  2. I just rediscovered this passage of scripture, James 1:2, on InScribe's "Pray for the Word Warriors" bookmark: "Consider yourselves fortunate when all kinds of trials come your way, for know that when your faith succeeds in facing such trials, the result is the ability to endure."

    This verse speaks to me, because we've been going through health issues in our family too. God is our refuge and strength.

    1. You understand Sharon. Thank you my friend!

  3. Thank you for your honesty and vulnerability, Alan. God guides us even in the moments of fear and uncertainty. I will continue to pray for you and Terry.

    1. Thank you Karma! Terry is doing well since her surgery. We are still waiting for lab results. We are confident the cancer was contained and has been totally removed.

  4. In the face of trials things often look quite different from what we could ever have imagined. One can only put their hope in Christ during that time. A friend of mine once told me that it was okay to feel upset. "Go ahead and get mad. God has big shoulders. He can take it." She said. Gotta love her for that. She reminded me that talking to Jesus was better than turning away from him. Lots of prayers for you as you and Terry take this journey.

    1. Hi Vickie! Thank you for the prayers and encouragement. I can't say I was never mad at God. I was admittedly fearful for a while. I recognize my own human frailty. I am thankful beyond measure at God's grace in our lives.Keep writing, writing buddy! We never know how comforting our writing may be for others.

  5. I am blessed to be reading this lovely post, Alan, the day you and Terry received the news about the cancer being contained and requiring no further treatment. Praise the Lord and thank your for sharing that news with me. A huge sense of relief washed over me so I can only imagine how your household is celebrating. None of your writing shows a lack of faith. All of it shows a real, vulnerable heart who is making a difference in this world. Bless you and Terry. And do dance out loud!

    1. You always bless me with reading your posts and replies Glynis. You and Gilles have walked with us on this journey. I know you can relate to this time in our lives. Yes, it was indeed confrmed today that Terry's cancer was contained. Wow, God's grace really is amazing.


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