January 14, 2018

Trust: My Key Word for 2018 - Ruth L. Snyder

I'm a planner, a list maker, a goal setter, and an achiever. For as long as I can remember, I sat down before a new year started to create my plan for the coming year. That didn't happen this year. I did start praying about goals early in December, but I had no peace about setting any.  A few days before January, I woke up knowing my assignment for this year is to TRUST (Proverbs 3:5, 6). God is encouraging me to wait, to be still, to trust Him. Instead of making a list and praying, I am praying and asking God for His list - each day.

I'm a bit of a control freak. In my mind I know that God is trustworthy . . . but (can you hear all my excuses NOT to trust Him???) How is it I think I know better than the all-powerful God who created the universe?

I have to admit that I'm more relaxed than I thought I would be without a plan. It is freeing to be able to say, "Sorry, I am not taking on any new opportunities right now."

God continues to bring people and opportunities across my path:
  •  I'm listening more intentionally to my family and spending time with them.
  • A couple friends and I are meeting and doing some fun things together. God laid this on my heart as a result of the book, 10 Secrets to Living Smart, Savvy, & Strong by Pam Farrel (for women 40 and over).
  • In my devotions, I'm being challenged and encouraged through Power Praying by David Chotka and The Lifegiving Home Experience by Sally & Sarah Clarkson. 
  • Writing projects receive attention as God directs.
What is God teaching you? I'd love to hear about it.


  1. Thank you for your reminder, Tracy

  2. It would appear we are on a similar journey, Ruth! I too have been instructed to TRUST and WAIT on the Lord. For me, he's added one more reminder. "I am doing a work in others as well." That makes is so much easier! May you be blessed on this out-of-character stretch!!! :)

    1. Thanks for sharing, Bobbi
      It’s a good thing it’s God job to work on others :) Yes, it does make it easier when we leave it all in His more than competent hands!
      Thanks for your support and prayers. I will pray for you when I get that stretched feeling.

  3. TRUST. It is definitely the bottom line with or without that list of goals.

    1. You’re right, Tracy. Without trust we don’t move forward.

  4. Dear Ruth, I like this: "I am praying and asking for His list - each day." Amen to desiring God's will to be done. Reading your post has helped me have peace that my to-do this is tentative and flexible.
    Blessings ~ Wendy

  5. Wendy,
    I’m glad you found my post helpful. May we all desire to do God’s will, and allow Him to work in and through us!

  6. As Bobbi says, your approach for this year does appear to be an "out-of-character stretch" for you, Ruth, but I can see why and how God would lead you in this direction.
    Proverbs 3:5-6 says it all. You have said this well. This is similar to the way I have been led as I discussed in my January 10 blog, "Day by Day."

    The book you mention, 10 Secrets to Living Smart by Pam Farrel (for women 40 and over) sounds intriguing. Age-wise, I definitely qualify. :-) Thanks for sharing your thoughts and your God-given wisdom, Ruth.

    1. Sharon,
      Yes, I identified with several of the thoughts you shared in your blog post. I’m so thankful for God and His patience with us :)

      Thanks for reading and responding!


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