January 13, 2018

Theme Bible Verses for Inspirational Writers - Wendy L. Macdonald

Theme Bible verses for inspirational writers can help us remember why we're writing. I—or rather—the Holy Spirit - chose a theme verse for me that fits in with what I believe He's been speaking to me about my faith and writing for 2018. You’re invited to try and guess which verse it is before I list it at the end of this post.

The nudge to focus more on this verse started when I watched a YouTube video by Nabeel Qureshi, a well-known speaker who is also a former Muslim. It was his final vlog because cancer cut his life short even though he battled it as bravely as he could. But he had peace because he left the final outcome to God; he knew cancer was a dust bunny God could easily sweep out of his body.

His final words were about love:
  • He stressed love as being the greatest thing. 
  • He didn’t want us—the body of Christ—to lose sight of it or forget it.
So when a good friend told me she was battling cancer. My heart turned to stone and dropped to the lowest level of hope when she also mentioned how hugely the odds were stacked against her.
I figured if God allowed someone even younger than us to die of cancer, who was I to believe and ask Him to save my friend from this despicable foe?

Real faith chooses to believe. 

So I asked for healing for her. And the more I prayed, the more my heart lightened and the more my hope grew.

What is faith if I don’t exercise it? 
What is faith if it doesn’t ask for good things for others, even impossible things? 
Faith hopes, believes, and therefore asks. 

Because real faith goes to work; it doesn’t call in sick.

My friend did beat the first round of cancer; against the odds, those nasty dust bunnies were blown to bits. And we all rejoiced because God said yes that time. She is now battling a second round of cancer that showed up in another part of her body, and prayers are once again being sent to the One who is more than able to demolish the delinquent cells.

 We know He can, and we hope He will.

Now back to my verse of the year:
It’s no surprise that God would point out a verse related to the very thing I’ve been secretly and not-so-secretly complaining about. If I’m going to whine about a lack of love in the world, then I should be part of the solution. I should fill more of my writing with it.

This oft missing ingredient is the same thing I saw shining in the face of my sweet friend so many years ago when she expressed her faith through it; she prayed for me privately, invited me to her house Bible study, and then invited me to her church because of it—because of love.


As I go into 2018, I want to write words penned with unconditional love.

The world needs more of love’s ink spilled across pages of books, magazines, blogs, vlogs, podcasts, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and face to face too. I’m going to share this message through doors that are already open and knock on doors I believe He’s asking me to brave.


The only thing that matters is faith
 expressing itself through love. 
Galatians 5:6 NIV

What’s your favorite verse right now? I’m nosy-to-know. 


  1. It's hard to pick a favourite but my verse for the year is from Psalm 62:5. My soul wait thee only upon God, for my expectation is from Him.

  2. Wonderful verse, dear Tracy. Reading it gives me peace as I'm reminded where our hope comes from.
    Blessings on your health and writing for 2018 ~ Wendy

  3. I have so many! But the one that comes to mind most often is Romans 8:28.

    1. That's an excellent one to remember when tough stuff happens, dear Kim. It's a peacemaker--for sure--when life unravels.
      Blessings for 2018 ~ Wendy

  4. I was way off track with your verse. I thought you were in Hebrews 11 :)

    My verses for this year are Proverbs 3:5,6:
    “Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.”

    1. Excellent life verse , dear Ruth. I've been thinking about this one as I wonder which writing projects to focus on this year.
      Blessings for 2018 ~ Wendy

  5. Anonymous6:39 am GMT-7

    I love this: "Because real faith goes to work; it doesn’t call in sick." Thank you for illuminating what faith looks like!

    The verse God has put on my heart this year is "You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden." Matthew 5:14

    1. Thank you, dear Karma. Matthew 5:14 is a good reminder we're not to hide the gifts He's given us. They're for shining His Light, love, and glory.
      Blessings as you shine Jesus in 2018 ~ Wendy

  6. I needed time to think on this one, Wendy, since you are nosy to know. My word for the year is HOPE. I hadn't chosen a particular scripture verse for the year, so I kept this open. Then one of Glynis Belec's generous prizes arrived in the mail. Included in her package was an InScribe bookmark I'd forgotten about: Pray for the Word Warriors.

    The prayer was excerpts from James 1:2-8, which discusses how to deal with trials, how to receive wisdom, how to be unwavering and believing in our requests to God. Although all of this passage is important, here is the portion I will headline.

    "Consider yourselves fortunate when all kinds of trials come your way, for you know that when faith succeeds in facing such trials, the result is the ability to endure . . . If any of you lacks wisdom, he should pray to God, who will give it to him . . . You must believe when you pray and not doubt at all . . ." (Good News for Modern Man)

  7. Thank you for such a rich and encouraging comment, dear Sharon. Hope is a biggie. On HopeStreamRadio.com, my podcast page is called: Walking with Hope. Hope is to our soul what blood is to our heart--essential.
    Your words are a wise meditation for me today.
    Blessings of His hope for 2018 ~ Wendy


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