January 27, 2018

WorDshops in the Works!

Spring WorDshops are in the works! There are five tentative locations for WorDshops this spring including:

Caron, SK - February 10
     Keynote: Ellen Duffield
Bio: Author of: 
Breathe: A Series of Experiential Journals Boo and Bess in Canada (fiction) Next Level Leadership Curriculum (key contributor) Upcoming Title: Brave Women - Building Bridges to Transformation, a compendium

Ellen is the Director of the 'Leadership Studio at Muskoka Woods'. She brings a Masters in Management and Leadership; experience co-founding an international leadership development initiative; 30 years of organizational leadership experience; involvement in ongoing research projects including an international project about women in leadership; and passion for the growth of both seasoned and emerging leaders. Ellen is a facilitator, teacher, and consultant. A Master Mentor with the Real Power Network, her identity as a mother and grandmother is deeply important to her and much of the work she does is for these future generations.

Her keynote will encourage you with reasons to write your own stories! For more details about this WorDshop, contact: writersworkshop2018@gmail.com

Steinbach, MB - March 17
     Keynote: Wilma Derksen C.E.C., O.M.
Wilma and her husband Cliff are well known in the Winnipeg area because of the abduction of their daughter who was tied up and left to die in a storage shed near their home. The Derksen's have been outspoken about their decision to trust in God and the choice to forgive. Wilma offers writing courses in Winnipeg and her husband teaches Art at an inner city school as part of an outreach/street ministry.

Other workshops TBA, including one by InScribe member, Kim Rempel.

Other Tentative WorDshops
Fort St John, BC 
Okotoks, AB 

Stay tuned for more information about dates, times, and speakers. If you would like to host a WorDshop in your area, please contact Tracy Krauss at VP@inscribe.org

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