January 01, 2018

Faith and Writing for 2018 by Sandi Somers

New Year’s Greetings to you all!

January blogs often focus on goals. This year we are broadening our theme to ask: How is God speaking to you about your faith and writing? How are you anticipating God’s presence? How does He want you to step forward in faith?

“A New Thing” for 2018

My verse for 2018 comes from Isaiah 43:19:

See, I am doing a new thing!
Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?
I am making a way in the wilderness
and streams in the wasteland.

So it was with some surprise that at our church’s Christmas concert, a large display caught my attention: “The new thing I will do is…”

I look back to see how God has already begun to do new things in areas I had not expected. Our life group/ Bible study leader and his family moved from Calgary to Fort McMurray to accept a job in the oil industry. From that time, I took over the ministry of leading the group. It has been a growing experience, writing my own Bible studies to meet the needs of those who are hurting and who are seeking inner healing. In addition, I’ve been part of the healing prayer ministry at church.

As I look ahead, God is opening up new avenues in the areas of counselling and healing ministry. I will accept these new opportunities, knowing God is the author.  

My “new things” fit in nicely with InScribe’s theme verse for 2018:

“Enlarge the place of your tent, stretch your tent curtains wide, do not hold back; lengthen your cords, strengthen your stakes” (Isaiah 54:2).

Or in today’s imagery, the NLT words it:
“Enlarge your house; build an addition.
 Spread out your home, and spare no expense!”

God is ready to greatly enlarge InScribe’s ministry, both on an individual level and as an organization, stretching our vision to new ministries, and new people where Christ is not known.

My prayer for both myself and for InScribe is: "Father, enlarge our faith so that we will ask great things from You, do great things for You and expect great things from You."

What is God saying to you as you begin 2018? How will you respond? 


  1. This is so exciting, Sandi! The verse from Isaiah is one i considered for my 2018 verse, and although i chose something else, I still pinned it to my bulletin board this morning! I love the way you expanded on our InScribe theme verse for the year, too. the modern version is so relevant! I am inspired to do many things this year not the least of which is see how this blog expands and grows as the year progresses. Thank you SO MUCH for you faithfulness in posting at the beginning of each month. You are so appreciated!!!

    1. Thanks, Tracy, for your encouragement. I think InScribe’s verse for the year is so applicable to all of us.


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