January 09, 2018

Direction - Shirley S. Tye

Ah, this is the life I’ve dreamed about; no schedules, no meetings, no alarm clocks.  Golden retirement has arrived!  This month, the pension and old age cheques start trickling into the bank account.  They won’t amount to much but I’ll survive.   

But if one is in good health, as I am, this type of life can be boring.  We need direction and purpose in life.  Well, I certainly do.  Even in retirement, it is a good idea to have some sort of daily routine; a purpose for rolling out of bed. 

After doing some de-cluttering and organizing in the house, I did the same with my personal schedule.   I wrote a list of things that are important to me and prioritized the items.  Later, I’ll set aside specific times and /or dates for each activity but for this month I’ll see how and where things fit around house chores, errands, art workshops, and acting classes.  But I am happy to report that I’ve been diligent thus far with reading and writing devotionals, and with physical activity; Nordic walking, cross-country skiing, lifting 5-pound weights, and working out for a few minutes on the rowing machine.  The exercises have reduced stress, boosted my energy level, cleared my head, and sleep is deeper and longer, and oh so much sweeter. 

As for my writing goals, this year I’ll finish the first draft of my adult novel which I began a few years ago and edit my children’s novel which also has been sitting on the sidelines collecting dust.  In the next few days, I’ll work out a realistic and comfortable writing schedule so that I can measure my work progress and complete these two projects before the end of this year. Along with these two assignments, I’ll be occupied with painting and drawing.  Hopefully I’ll be able to produce a couple of pictures worth entering into the annual spring art show in April.

How God will use my artistic talents, I don’t know as yet.  But I’m sure He has a purpose and direction for me.  It’s a new year; a new adventure.



  1. I was so encouraged by your post, Shirley. I am looking forward to retiring later this year, although being on medical leave is a lot like retirement already. One thing I noticed is exactly what you talked about. Without a schedule it is very easy to 'fritter' away the time without really getting much accomplished.
    I was also excited to find out you are are an artist and a drama enthusiast. So am I! I've taught both art and drama at the secondary school level for years. This post made me feel like I got to know you a bit better. Best of luck with your 2018 plans.

  2. Thank-you Shirley for this post. I appreciate the great optimism and resolve in your words that you will accomplish these things once your realistic schedule is made. I have found that too often other unscheduled things happen, and I have relaxed my perceived need to accomplish as much. Happy retirement and Good Luck!! Keep us posted.

  3. I know well how well other activities and competing interests, worthy or not, can encroach on a person's time. For a retired person, this can so easily happen. Setting priorities and achieving balance is necessary at any time in one's life. A couple month's ago I discovered a beautiful quote that has helped me be more flexible with my day, without being wishy-washy. (Forgive me those who've seen me quote this before.)

    "Peacefully do at each moment what ought to be done. If we do what each moment requires, we will eventually complete God's plan, whatever it is. We can trust God to take care of the master plan when we take care of the details." St. Katharine Drexel.

    May God bless the days, months and years of your retirement, Shirley.


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