December 30, 2017

If You're Thinking of Quitting, Don't Do It!

I almost packed it in this year; nearly quit freelancing to get a "real job". Bills were mounting, debt was climbing, and I needed an income. Fast.

So I prayerfully set a do-or-die goal – if I could accomplish it, I would count it as traction and keep pursuing my online career. If I didn’t hit it though, it was J-O-B time.

Talk about stressful. I worried at night, and sent out job applications during the day for jobs I wasn’t even sure I wanted. I even interviewed a few times and it looked like I had an in. But something inside of me just really, really, really wanted to do freelance (and not starve doing it!)

Then it happened. The goal I’d set was to double my email list during my 24-hour launch. By the end of that 24 hours – I mean in the last two hours of it! – that number was hit EXACTLY. PRECISELY doubled.

That’s when it hit me.
“Hey, I CAN do this!”

I immediately set to work writing down more goals and worked toward them with renewed vigor. I closed the door on that J-O-B option and have been working with a fire under me ever since.

Even in 8 short months I was able to :
* doubled my client list
* doubled my email list
* launched a new course
* almost hit my goal of doubling my monthly income.

Disclaimer: I don't say this to brag. You and I both know I cannot conjure up clients, or make subscribers fall from the sky. I know what I have was provided by God. However, there is absolutely nothing wrong with celebrating the fruits of our labor and enjoying His provision either! I share this story to encourage you. 

If you’re thinking of quitting, don’t do it!!
Don’t give up!
Because here’s what I know: You CAN do this.

Whether it's taking that next step in faith, or launching yourself into a new project that scares the tar out of you, you CAN DO IT. 

Maybe the first two steps you need to take right now are the same ones I needed to take:


1. Prayerfully write down 1-3 specific goals. Include numbers and a timeline.

2. Work madly to pursue them, trusting God will equip you along the way. 

I’m confident if you do that, you’ll come away with GOALS ACHIEVED and a newfound CONFIDENCE that YOU CAN DO THIS!!!

What's one goal you hope to achieve in 2018?

Drop a comment so we can encourage you in it!

Kimberly Dawn Rempel helps authors and entrepreneurs build their business and their faith through 1:1 coaching, editing, and book marketing help. Her latest course, The Book Launch Method, helps authors sell books, expand their reach, and get their important message into more hands and hearts. 




  1. Thanks so much for inviting me to contribute - I'm excited to share a glimpse into my writing journey, and how God is using it to grow me. He's so good...

    1. Thank you Kim for sharing your enthusiasm with us. I definitely need ideas as to how to sell books. Happy New Year to you!

    2. Hi Alan, thanks for reading! I'm glad you're part of my Facebook group. I trust between there and here you'll discover some helpful book selling tips ;)

      Oh - I'll post a link invitation here that I forgot to include in the post -- my Facebook group, Marketing-Savvy Authorpreneurs, is here: Feel free to join! It's private and low-promo, but free, so come on in!

  2. Thanks for joining us Ki,! I look forward to hearing more from you in the months ahead. I love the example of how God gives us exactly what we need at exactly the right time - no more and no less! He is, indeed, good

    1. Thanks, Tracy. It's true, He's so good... :)

  3. Very encouraging, Kimberly Dawn! Thanks for sharing this part of your faith/writing journey. I look forward to hearing more.


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