October 27, 2015

Contentment...What A Gift! By Melanie Fischer

I remember the days when I put myself to sleep by dreaming about winning the lottery.

In those days, I was always wanting more rather than stopping to be grateful for what I had. Thanks to Jesus's grace and patience, I am beginning to learn one of the most precious lessons of all...


Paul speaks beautifully about learning how to be content.

“I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through him who gives me strength.” Philippians 4:11-13

In my journey to contentment, it certainly isn't that I never find myself in a lineup that I wished was shorter, or a room that I wished was quieter, or a bank account that I wished was fuller. Life presents us with many opportunities to find thankfulness in moments where it would be easier to find thanklessness. It actually isn't until we find ourselves in such situations that we can learn lessons of contentment.

It is the hard stuff in life that makes us softer. The rough spots give us traction. The tough stuff gives us something to stand on so we can reach new heights. It isn’t until an egg is cracked open that it can be used. It isn’t until muscle is torn that it becomes stronger, and it isn’t until an engine is broken in that it can run to its potential.

Yes, we are sometimes dealt hands that we would rather put back in the deck, but never should we be ungrateful for what we have been given, because the alternative could be that we are given nothing at all.

Lord, please enable us to allow the tough moments in our lives to mould and shape us into great instruments to be used for your glory.

“We are the clay, you are the potter; we are all the work of your hand.” Isaiah 64:8


  1. "The tough stuff gives us something to stand on so we can reach new heights." A dizzying truth, to be sure. Sometimes I want to crawl back down to where, from what I know now, I know God's call on me was much simpler. But then, how boring life would be!

    Bless you, Mel, as the Lord reaches down and draws you up to rocky heights. May the sights you see as you balance on those rocks be the stuff that grows faith and sustains you when His direction has yet to be revealed.

    1. Yup...how boring life would be if it was simple :)
      Thank you so much for your blessings Bobbi, your words are always so encouraging.

  2. so true, Mel. What I really love about your writing style is your ability to say exactly what I'm thinking in such a clear, down to earth way.

    1. Thank you Tracy! I have been blessed...it is a priveledge to have opportunities to share the gifts that the Lord has entrusted me with. And what a blessing and priveledge it is, to have the gifts that have been poured upon the InScribe family shared with me also.
      Many blessings on all your writing ventures!

  3. "Life presents us with many opportunities to find thankfulness in moments where it would be easier to find thanklessness." I agree! If we didn't have those opportunities, we wouldn't cling to God. Contentment is a wonderful place to be :)

  4. I love all your "hard stuff" metaphors, especially "the rough spots give us traction." So true. Thanks for your practical and encouraging words.

  5. You've done it again, Mel. You've used appropriate scripture and simple lessons from life to illustrate that we need those rough places for traction and learning and to make us appreciative of the good gifts and the smooth roads we are given by our Heavenly Father. Keep on writing, Mel.

  6. Melanie, you delve into some tough experiences and perspectives, but you say it all in such a gentle, peaceful way--that gives hope!

  7. Thanks for your comments and words of encouragement everyone, I truly appreciate it. May the Lord bless all of our journeys to contentment!


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