October 16, 2015

Change by Loretta Bouillon

Today I feel grateful. Sitting on my porch, looking out over the expanse of my yard, my flower pots are still in bloom, but the fall colours are in the background. The view signifies change.

I love the change of seasons here, in Northern British Columbia. Sometimes, I fantasize about living in a warm climate where there are only two seasons: sunny/hot and warm/rainy. But really, as I look out at my flowers against the background of the golden trees, there is something inside of me that feels excited about the fall. On the horizon awaits a youth conference with my teens, a little trip to see my son at university and of course Christmas will be right around the corner.

At the same time, I fight some sadness and a bit of fear as a season of my life comes to an end.  My sixteen year homeschool career is coming to a close. I struggle to let go. I struggle to re-establish my identity which used to be “homeschooling mom”. My youngest is in grade 11 at our local school, and my daughter who has just graduated has gone back for one semester to do two extra courses. So now what?

I have been hired as a “teacher on call” at the school. Never in my wildest dreams did I see myself teaching at a school especially after “retirement”!  However, I was asked if I would be interested and after praying about it I felt to give it a try. If I think about it, I am a bit terrified. But if I don’t think about it (and relax in the peace that God brought the position to me) then I’m okay. It’s really the perfect job for me as being “on call” will allow me time to write.

I also plan to get serious about my writing. To write every day, to take my personal blog in a new direction and to write according to a schedule (for those of you who know me, you would know that is my biggest challenge!). I recently attended the Inscribe Writer’s conference.  I am grateful for Melanie Fischer and Tracy Krauss who did workshops on blogging. Both of them inspired me to look at my blog with a fresh perspective. I also bought Melanie’s Fischer’s book called Ya…But How? It is for building your online platform for the “very very beginner” and I plan to make good use of it!
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I had a wonderful “blue pencil” review with Pam Mytroen. She reviewed my children’s picture book that I wrote twelve years ago about educating the young child on alcoholism and sobriety. I have tried to submit it a couple of times with the same comment received: “although we find merit in the content of this manuscript, the target audience would be too small to risk taking you on.”  I have been advised to self-publish but that means paying an illustrator and the cost is too great. Pam was so encouraging, saying that this book needs to be published. After taking her suggestions, I polished  the piece and sent it to the Canscaip (Canadian Society of Children’s Authors, Illustrators and Performers) annual writing for children competition.  The ten top submissions will be sent to three major children’s publishers for consideration.  I will leave it in God’s hands now.

Change... It can be a good thing. Without God it can be scary and overwhelming but right now it’s time to smile at the memories, to let the flock fly and step into the next chapter of my life. Therefore I will look to Him for guidance each day with a thankful heart, and trust that He also wants the very best for me. 


  1. What a beautiful, thoughtful and thought-provoking blog, Loretta. May I be one of the first to welcome you to this season of your life. I just realized with sadness that I don't think I got to talk to your at the Fall Conference. We can, however, continue sharing online and there's always next year. Blessings.

    1. Sharon, thank you for the welcome! No we didn't really get to talk...but I now that we are facebook friends we can get to know each other a little that way. And yes, I am already planning to be there next year!

  2. I am looking forward to seeing this book in print - no matter what avenue you take. Be encouraged!

  3. Thanks for sharing, Loretta. It was great to meet you and Carlee at conference! Change is always challenging, but think of all the opportunities God has for you. We are cheering you on as you work on your blog and book(s) :)

  4. I enjoyed reading your blog. Thanks for sharing. I found the Blue Pen with Pam also very encouraging.

  5. I admire your attitude as you enter this new season of life, Loretta. Thankfulness seems to bolster our courage! And I do hope, like Tracy said, that your book gets "out there" one way or another!

  6. I love that we got to meet at Conference, and I can picture you here in my living room telling me all this in your post. As for a children't book on dealing with alcoholism and sobriety, you submitted it 10 years ago? Yes, it's time to resurrect it. Our counselling agency is always on the lookout for such books for children. There is definitely a market in that area. May the Lord open doors for it!

  7. Yes, Loretta, change is one of those constants in life. It sounds like you are accepting it and taking advantage of what is coming next. May you continue to be encouraged and it was good to meet you at conference.

  8. Good luck on the contest Loretta! It's our job to do the writing and editing, and then it's the Lord's job to do his will. Good for you for getting out of your comfort zone!


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