September 23, 2024

U is for Unless by Lorrie Orr


Unless the Lord builds the house,
its builders labor in vain.
Unless the Lord watches over the city,
the watchmen stand guard in vain.
Psalm 127:1-2

When I spent a day wandering through Edinburgh earlier this summer, I was unaware of the city's coat of arms which bear the Latin inscription Nisi dominus frustra, - Without God, frustration, taken from Psalm 127. Written as a song for pilgrims walking up to Jerusalem, this psalm of ascent addresses the futility of life and work without God. Building a house or a life, guarding a city or my own security - nothing I accomplish will be of eternal value unless I relinquish control to God. Yikes. That's easy to say and oh, so hard to live out. I have my own list of unless-es:

Unless I am published, I am not a writer.

Unless she apologizes, I won't make amends.

Unless I hold it all together, there is something wrong with me.

My unless-es narrow my vision and distort the truth of who I am in Christ. They belittle my work and the lives of others. When I yield to "unless God," He reorients my focus and plans to his purpose and calling on my life - to bring glory to his name. When I let go of control there is room for God to work. He shows me what nourishes me. He broadens my vision and enriches my writing. He provides a map for my soul, a guide for the journey of life.

In my writing I have only to write as best I can with the knowledge and grace he has given me. Everything I do flows out of my life in Him, and I am left with freedom and abundance.  

Lorrie writes from Vancouver Island where she loves to walk, alone or with family and friends. She writes a slice of life blog at


  1. Such wise musings, Lorrie.

  2. Excellent post, dear Lorrie. This would be perfect for a devotional in The Upper Room.
    Thank you for encouraging us to lean on Jesus.

    1. Thank you for your encouragement, Wendy.

  3. Elizabeth Danna9:52 am GMT-7

    Well said Lorrie, and well timed: there are some things that I know that I must submit to God. As you say, more easily said than done.

    1. Thank you, Elizabeth. Submission to God is the way!

  4. Great word choice, Lorrie, and a super post as well. How I yearn, like you, to get rid of my ‘unless’ and ‘but’ lists. Thanks for reminding us that surrender is the key to it all. In Him. Love it. Thanks for making my morning brighter.

    1. Thank you, Sharon. You've made my evening brighter with your comment!

  5. Thank you for your post, Lorrie. I agree with Sharon about your word choice. With all the craziness in the world, "unless" I remind myself God is aware of the craziness and I need to persevere. Blessings to you, my friend.

    1. Thank you, Alan. "Unless" is a powerful word. Blessings to you, Alan.

  6. Valerie Ronald3:22 pm GMT-7

    A timely reminder, Lorrie. This sentence of yours particularly impacted me, "When I yield to "unless God," He reorients my focus and plans to his purpose and calling on my life - to bring glory to his name." So true. I call that "finding my true north", like with a compass or a map, as you said. We are created by Him and for Him, and life doesn't make sense without focus on Him. Thanks for your wise words!

    1. Thank you, Valerie. Yes, He is our 'true north'.

  7. I was taken with the Latin on Edinburgh's coat-of-arms: "Nisi dominus frustra - Without God, frustration". Oh wow, to have that as a city's motto. And what a great motto for anyone - learning to rely on His wisdom in every situation, so we can avoid the frustration of bad choices, lost opportunities, and missed timings. Loved your post, beautiful writing. Appreciate your personal applications. Thanks, Lorrie!

    1. Thank you, Brenda. When I read about Edinburgh's coat-of-arms, I so wished I had looked for it when I was there. I did take photos of other Latin inscriptions, but not that one. I'm beginning to remind myself more often of the need to rely on God's wisdom by reciting that Latin phrase.

  8. Michelle Strutzenberger4:10 pm GMT-7

    I needed this today. Thank you.

  9. I agree with Brenda - I was struck by the city's powerful motto. Such truth. Only to hold onto and remember it!


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