September 08, 2024

U is for Undeterred by Bob Jones

Are you in a place where the unexpected has set you back on your heels? Panicked because life threw up a roadblock to your dreams? You’re uncertain about finding a way through. You wonder what God was thinking to allow this to happen.


God will make a way.


My story is about a detour not a diagnosis, a building not a body. While not life-threatening, the experience with God galvanized our faith to face future threats. In 2006 our newly planted church was situated at the western end of the most northerly avenue in Edmonton. Ours was the only building. Isolated, adjacent to farmers’ fields, with deer and coyotes as our near neighbours. It was a perfect site for growth on 15 acres, with traffic access from a new ring road. Within two years our average Sunday attendance grew from 495 to 900. Three years later we had added a second service and were considering a third. We had momentum. January 2011 was to be a celebration of God’s favour.  


The Christmas decorations had just been stored away when a letter arrived from the city of Edmonton. It was a notification of the closure of our avenue during expansion work. The closure would be for one year.




What were they thinking? How do they expect people to get to church? A hurried meeting with city developers informed us of an error. They had forgotten about our building in their plans. The avenue would be shut down for a year. To help us, the city would pay for signs to direct people through convoluted detours and pay for a temporary road to be built near railroad tracks and through a ditch to access our property. Thank you very much. Subsequent to that, CN informed us they would close the railway crossing at the same time for upgrades. Now we had no access again.





The city may have forgotten us, but God had not. We discovered that for every setback, God has a greater comeback. God's faithfulness is hope for many detoured by crisis in life. Don Moen’s song, “God Will Make a Way,” became our theme.


God will make a way
Where there seems to be no way
He works in ways we cannot see
He will make a way for me

He will be my guide
Hold me closely to His side
With love and strength for each new day
He will make a way, He will make a way.


People were praying. CN decided to delay the railway crossing upgrade. We purchased billboard ads in high traffic areas to inform the community we existed and were open. Our leadership determined to at least have some fun with this setback. I crafted a sermon series entitled, “Undeterred.”  We asked the city for orange roadwork barriers, detour signs, and construction equipment and placed those outside our facility entrances, in our lobby, and on our platform. Remarkably, the congregation took this detour in stride and grew in faith and in numbers.

Thirteen years later, people still talk about being undeterred.


In the bad news, the good news was the expanded avenue was to accommodate a potential of 450-550 housing starts. Within a couple of years, 4,000 people were living in the new neighbourhood next door. The community now boasts close to 8,000 residents in walking distance of the church. North Pointe was first to the frontier and an anchor point for the community.


When I can't trace God's hand I must trust his heart. 

God is too loving to hurt me.

God is too wise to make a mistake.

God's power makes all things possible.


My prayer for you is to be undeterred. To embrace God’s love and to know his wisdom. To be comforted so you have the strength to take the next step forward with your faith intact and your eyes on heaven.


If I can be of any help or support in your journey, please reach out. or 780-707-5569


  1. Thank you, Bob, for encouraging us so faithfully. This is my favorite of all your wonderful posts.
    I will treasure and meditate on these words of yours: "When I can't trace God's hand I must trust his heart."
    Blessings back to you, dear Pastor Bob.

    1. Bob Jones9:14 am GMT-7

      Thank you, Wendy. You are my best encourager! God is good.

  2. I love this story, bob. it truly points to the fact that we can trust God, no matter how things look. I remember those signs and the road closures etc because a couple of my kids lived in Edmonton at that time. It is cool that I can now make that connection!

  3. Michelle Strutzenberger11:22 am GMT-7

    Love this. Thanks so much. It is especially relevant to me as I face a new and unexpected "roadblock" in our family life. The song mentioned was a favourite of my father's, Henry Teigrob, who travelled to Costa Rica and Belize in the '60s and '70s as a missionary.

    1. Bob Jones7:30 am GMT-7

      I’m sure your father faced a few roadblocks in his day as well. Huge respect for missionaries. God bless you, Michelle.

  4. What a wonderfully encouraging post to give all of our challenges to God, the way maker. Thanks, Bob! Hope you also continue undeterred.

    1. Bob Jones7:31 am GMT-7

      He is Waymaker, isn’t he? Thank you, Sharon.

  5. God makes a way where there seems to be no way ... to us, that is. God always knew there was a way. And that's why we can trust Him. Thanks for this, Bob.

    1. Bob Jones7:32 am GMT-7

      Your comment reminds me of another song lyric that says “he was there all the time waiting patiently in line.” Thank you, Joy.

  6. Praise God from whom all blessings flow. Thank you for this brilliant account of God's faithfulness, Bob. A city, and even a railway company, are no match He who spoke everything into being. Blessings to you, brother.

    1. Bob Jones7:33 am GMT-7

      That is so true Allan.

  7. I love how this all turned out for you and your church family. Wow! These words are a treasure: "When I can't trace God's hand I must trust his heart." Amen. Thanks, Bob!

    1. Bob Jones7:36 am GMT-7

      Thank you, Brenda. It all turned out well and

    2. Bob Jones9:10 am GMT-7

      ... is a reminder of God's faithfulness.

  8. "In the bad news, the good news was..." I wonder how much worry and anxiety there would be if we determined to look for God's good hand in the middle of the detours. I am guilty of worrying first. I am writing this sentence start in my journal as a reminder to know God is already working in my circumstances.
    Thank you.

    1. Bob Jones4:04 pm GMT-7

      Honoured I could have a place in your journal, Lorilee! I sure appreciate your determination to look for God's good hand in your circumstances.

  9. Thanks for this beautiful example of how God makes a way, sometimes when there appears to be no way. You vividly reminded me of God's presence and purpose: "for every setback, God has a greater comeback. God's faithfulness is hope for many detoured by crisis in life."


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