September 25, 2024

U is for the Beauty of U-turns ~ by Michelle Strutzenberger

Each morning, I wake to the heartache of knowing a precious family member has chosen to walk an unwise path. But recently I was encouraged as I remembered that just because she has started on that path does not mean she has to finish on it. She can make a u-turn.

Someone making a u-turn, I have determined may be one of the most beautiful, hope-filling actions we can witness or experience on the road of life.

I also know how very hard it can be to admit that we need to do a u-turn. Coming to a place where we realize we are not heading in a life-giving direction can be very humbling. I’ve been at that spot in the road several times. Sometimes I’d rather die than gulp down my pride and slowly spin on my heels away from where I was venturing.

With our writing goals and projects, sometimes we need to make u-turns. In a culture that prizes setting our objectives and then working relentlessly until we fulfill them, choosing to make a u-turn partway through can feel like failure or at least evidence that we didn’t think things through beforehand as carefully as we should have.

I’ll never forget a video series I began with high excitement. Partway through, I realized the enormous effort and time required made the project an unwise move. I hadn’t realized until I started the project just how much it would require of me. It was very humbling to share with my audience that there would be no new videos for a while.

It’s helped me to recall my wise father’s oft-repeated counsel: “A wise person changes his/her mind.” Sometimes, the very best thing we can do is change our minds. We have gathered new evidence, new experiences, new insights, and now we need to make a u-turn. Sometimes, we should have gathered that information before we even started down the road. But sometimes we need to travel down the road before it becomes clear that it’s not the one we should be cruising.

The challenge for each of us is always this – when we see we need to make the u-turn, will we be humble enough to take the necessary action?

On Earth’s physical roads, u-turns are often forbidden. Even when the signs aren’t posted, we can feel like we’re doing something wrong when we whip around and start heading back in the opposite direction.

But in our everyday lives, u-turns can save lives and families, relationships, and jobs. As we trust God to help us become humble enough to make these u-turns, they become massive signs pointing to His immense grace and abundant love.

In everyday life, u-turns can be beautiful. Is there one you need to make today?

Michelle and her family enjoy hiking mountains and trails together. She is currently writing a series  called, What Growing Up in a Mennonite Family of 10 Taught Me About Survival. To receive the bi-weekly tips, visit this link and subscribe.


  1. I enjoyed this take on the leter "U"... Well done.

    1. Michelle Strutzenberger9:40 am GMT-7

      Thank you, Tracy. Bless you.

  2. Thank you, dear Michelle, for sharing these wise words with us. Pride is not a good enough reason to stay on a road that's damaging our peace of mind.
    Amen to: "Sometimes, the very best thing we can do is change our minds."

  3. Michelle Strutzenberger9:41 am GMT-7

    Thank you, Wendy. I like how you phrased that: Pride is not a good enough reason to stay on a road that's damaging our peace of mind.

  4. Thank you for these wise words, Michelle. This is a timely message in my life. God made it clear to me I had to make a u-turn. This is also a lesson in humility for me. I have now returned to a writing project I love developing. U-turns can indeed be beautiful!, my dear friend!

    1. Michelle Strutzenberger2:29 am GMT-7

      Alan, that is so encouraging to hear that you've returned to a writing project you love developing. Thank you for sharing.

  5. Thank you for your post, Michelle. These words - “Sometimes, we should have gathered that information before we even started down the road. But sometimes we need to travel down the road before it becomes clear that it’s not the one we should be cruising.” - are a good reminder of knowledge that can be researched and knowledge that only comes through experience. Wonderful post.

    1. Michelle Strutzenberger2:32 am GMT-7

      Thank you Sharon. Your summary is well put. I love it when readers are able to sum up my message so thoughtfully and clearly! I guess it is because the audience here consists of wonderful writers. Bless you.

  6. I know what it is to pray for people close to me who are in need of the humility to make a U-turn in life. This post resonated!

    1. Michelle Strutzenberger2:44 pm GMT-7

      Thank you Susan. I pray you will have the joy of seeing them make that u-turn!

  7. Anonymous6:40 am GMT-7

    What beautiful illustrations of making u-turns, Michelle!! Sandi

    1. Michelle Strutzenberger4:29 pm GMT-7

      Thank you Sandi! Blessings.


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