March 04, 2024

Overly Thankful by Brenda J. Wood


Do you struggle with acknowledgments for your inside book cover? Yes, me too. What I say isn’t always what I wanted to say.

Alan Greenspan said “I know you think you understand what you thought I said but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant”. 

We write truth in our books and we should write them in the acknowledgements too. 

I’ve helped many a writer onto their path. I don’t expect thanks but I’d appreciate one. 

It is courtesy to name all those who helped you, in order of importance, whether it be family, writing buddies or editors.

And if you got financial aid, share that as well. Keep your emotional thanks to the end. 

One Possibility?

I wish to thank Sir __________ for his comments on my newsletter which set me on this path. Certainly, I must mention the government grant that got me this far.

And surely, I must mention _________ __________who spent ages editing my unpolished manuscript. And then I wish to mention all those in my writing group who offered helpful hits toward the plot.

I am grateful to my husband and children who believed in me and suffered through many evenings of take-out food on my behalf. Signed___________


You can write the truth like the multi-award winner Ruth Goose did in her excellent mystery, ‘Doing it in the Dixie Dew.’ 

This is not to thank the members of my long-ago Charlotte writer’s group who disliked this manuscript from word one.

My husband, who said, “Whatever you do, don’t write a novel. It takes too long. You’ll never get published and you can’t plot. 

My sons, who asked, “What do you know about running a bed and breakfast?’ 

Note to my academic cell mates, ‘Doing it at the Dixie Dew has the only two subjects W.B. Yeats said were worth writing about: sex and death, plus the third one: food. 

And then she goes on…Seriously, I do want to thank…. 

From this message I glean this truth. We write truth in our books and we should write them in the acknowledgements too. 

Brenda J. Wood has authored more than fifty books. She is a seasoned motivational speaker, who declares the Word of God with wisdom, humour, and common sense.


  1. Thank you, dear Brenda, for reminding us of the importance of thanking people who have helped us in our writing journey. I've heard it's wise to keep a running list of people who helped with a book so that it's easier to write the acknowledgements when the time comes.

    1. Anonymous5:24 pm GMT-7

      Wendy you always are so encouraging

  2. Wonderful post, Brenda. ‘Our’ accomplishments are never just ours alone are they. I wonder if it’s more common to forget the contributions of others in solitary endeavours such as writing. Thanks for this very important reminder.

  3. A fun post, Brenda, with a great message to be thankful to all who help us along the journey.

  4. Replies
    1. Anonymous5:25 pm GMT-7

      I am happy you We are set to laughter. I hope it didn’t hurt your back too much. Are you feeling OK?

  5. A wonderful reminder to sincerely thank all those who contributed to our projects!!

  6. Michelle Strutzenberger4:32 pm GMT-7

    Thank you Brenda! This made me smile and caused a spasm of conviction. I will be making notes about who to remember to thank in my acknowledgements - including you!


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