March 21, 2024

O is for Opportunities! Tracy Krauss

Opportunities. One never knows when the next great “opportunity” will present itself. In fact, so many come across our path that we might start to feel overwhelmed. While we don’t want to wear ourselves thin, we also need to prayerfully look at each opportunity and examine our motivation for saying yes or no. A simple, yet powerful piece of advice has been one of my mainstays: Try saying YES. 

The first time I really appropriated this advice was at an InScribe Conference back in 2013 (or there about.) Murray Pura was the guest speaker and he talked about saying “Yes” in spite of fear and doubt because sometimes this is exactly the small door that might lead to something bigger. He gave examples from his own life of a time he said “yes” to a seemingly insignificant project (and one that didn’t pay well) and then God used it to open a much bigger door which set his writing career on a completely new path.

I think the real point Murray was trying to get across is that we shouldn’t look down on small opportunities. We just never know when these will be gateways to other things.  Zechariah 4:10 admonishes us not to “despise the day of small things.” 

I’m not saying you have to take on everything, nor should you. Learning to say “No” is a skill we also need to learn. It’s brought me balance and helped me establish healthy boundaries. 

However, often we say, “No,” for the wrong reasons. Fear and doubt are the most common. “What if I can’t do it? What if I make a fool of myself? I’m not qualified,” etc. If these are your reasons for saying, “No” you might be selling yourself short. If it’s truly a matter of maintaining healthy boundaries or allowing someone else to step in, then by all means. However, if it’s simply because “Yes,” seems scary, then maybe God is asking you to take a leap. It’s good to get out of our comfort zones!

Another excuse is lack of time. I use the word “excuse” quite intentionally. We’re all busy, but most of us tend to waste a lot of time on unimportant things. If something is important; if it’s something you believe in or feel motivated to do, you’ll make the time. Try saying “Yes” and allow God to help you fulfill the commitment. It could be exactly what is needed to bring your life into alignment. 

Better yet, try adding the word “and”. “Yes AND…” is a powerful way to clarify your yes. It means you’re not just agreeing to anything and everything, but you’re setting boundaries around your “Yes”. You are accepting the opportunity while not necessarily overwhelming yourself with other people’s expectations. 

Saying “Yes” opens all kinds of unexpected doors. It stretches and helps us grow. We might be surprised by what we learn and where it takes us. When opportunity comes knocking, try saying “YES!”

Tracy Krauss lives and writes from her home in northern BC. She said, "Yes" to joining the InScribe executive many years ago and has enjoyed the wonderful benefits of community ever since! Visit her website:


  1. Excellent advice, dear Tracy. And amen to: " we shouldn’t look down on small opportunities."

    1. I'm grateful you said YES to being this blog moderator for a season. You've brought fresh ideas and are always so encouraging!

  2. Thanks, Tracy, for this post and for encouraging me personally to say, ‘Yes’. It has lead me to surprising situations. Great post!

  3. Great post, Tracy! I said, "Yes and," to a project the Lord laid on my heart three years ago for our church. I'm almost ready to launch a ministry even after a lot of tweaking. The whole developmental years have been essential to focusing on the ministry's direction.

    1. I pray that success and blessings will come out of it!

  4. What a wonderful reminder for us to say yes to small opportunities, Tracy! I've discovered that sometimes they lead into greater opportunities and adventures.

    1. It's easier to say No in these circumstances but God honours our faithfulness.

  5. PS You always give us such wonderful words of wisdom. Thank you Tracy!!


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