August 16, 2023

H is for Hospital by Lorilee Guenter

The past two weeks, I have spent many hours at the hospital as God writes the final pages of my dad's life. Through the journey there have been other "h" words come to mind. Words lived in the moments we have. Today I offer a reflection on a life well lived and the final pages of a life story.

As people of faith, these days do not only mark an end but a new beginning. We live each day in the hope that we have been given. Soon dad's faith will become sight.  He lived with the hope of healing, perfect healing, as he embraced life both now and the one to come. He shared that hope even in the moments of deep pain. 

He leaves a legacy of love. Day by day Dad showed us what love looked like. Staff and volunteers have commented on the love they have witnessed as we wait for the last line of the earthly story to be written. We know the first line of the sequel. I am grateful for the legacy of love that I am part of and recognize the unspoken challenge to continue that legacy.

Throughout the years, Dad lived a life of consistency. He offered help and encouragement to those around him. He knew you didn't need to write a novel for your words to have impact. He encouraged us to use our words to write for ourselves and others. He modelled kind and encouraging words to those he interacted with including cashiers and strangers put in his path. Now as we share stories with friends, family and staff and volunteers here who pause to listen, we are on the receiving end of encouragement, help and offers of help. 

As I reflect on the example and teaching of my dad, it is my hope that we as writers offer ourselves as a pen in God's hand as he writes our story and the stories of those around us.


  1. Lorilee, thinking of you and your family as you share this part of your Dad’s journey. Will be praying for God’s peace and presence to be tangible for you all. Hang in there and thanks for sharing your Dad’s legacy of faith and love. Big hugs.

  2. Blessings of peace to you and your family, dear Lorilee. Your dad is spot on with this thought: "He knew you didn't need to write a novel for your words to have impact."
    Amen to offering "ourselves as a pen in God's hand..."

  3. Nancy Young8:02 am GMT-7

    Thanks for sharing this, Lorilee. I remember, even after 23 years, sitting at my father’s bedside in his last hours on earth, and experiencing many of the same things you are right now. It is a very difficult time, but as Paul writes to the Thessalonians, we mourn but not without hope. We have the assurance that someday we will be reunited again in heaven. What a glorious thought to hold onto. Praying 🙏🏻 for you.

  4. I pray for peace and comfort for you, your mom, and the rest of your family whom I've never met. it is tough to let someone go, but you have faith on your side. Much love and prayers...

  5. Dear Lorilee, thank you for your faith words. Your message brings back memories of the final pages in the lives of my parents. We are children of God and He created us to feel deep emotions. May our compassionate, loving God, comfort you with the support of people who love you. We love you as well.

  6. I also pray for God's love and support to surround you, along with the love and support of others for you and your family.

  7. There is a lot of hope in this hospital piece, Lorilee. I am writing this almost two weeks after you posted, so I don't know if your dad is still with you or has gone to be with the Lord. What hope we do have because of Jesus. What an encouragement to know your dad is/was a believer and that you have the assurance of seeing him again. May God comfort you and yours in the in-between time and give you His peace.


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