August 02, 2023

H is for Hello ~ by Brenda J Wood

Can you say hello, my name is _____________? Thank you for inviting me to speak today.

Do you even want to be a motivational speaker? 

None of that matters if you are a writer with a book to sell.

Gabbing is your new format. Do you have an elevator speech? 

Can you tell listeners (in less than five minutes) the plot of your manuscript? 

Can you describe your characters succinctly?

Do you take the opportunity to speak anywhere at the drop of a hat?

Why should you volunteer to do scripture readings in church?

Why should you be the parent who volunteers to give a message to your kid’s grade five class?

Why should you read the minutes of the meetings at the local dart club?

I’ll tell you why. 

You need the practice.

If you are giving a speech, practice it well beforehand.

Mark the breathing spaces, the pauses, the timing.

Know your message so well that you could do it without notes if you have to.

Why? Because! You might have to!

Speaking is not easy. It’s hard to gab without rambling off-topic.

And by the way, do you dress like you mean it?

My friend used to say, “I’m a writer. I can wear that.”

But she was wrong.

You can look as weird as you like, but if people don’t take you seriously, what is the point?

Your clothes should be clean and neat and yes, even pressed.

Your footwear should not be run down at the heel and shabby.

The latest fad outfit just tells people you are easily swayed. You follow the crowd.

They will believe that your writing does the same.

Remember. You are a writer. You can wear that or say that. But can you? Really?

Brenda J Wood has authored more than fifty books. She is a seasoned motivational speaker, who declares the Word of God with wisdom, humour, and common sense.


  1. Thank you, dear Brenda, for the wise advice you gave us today. I'm especially noting the following:

    "If you are giving a speech, practice it well beforehand.

    Mark the breathing spaces, the pauses, the timing."


  2. Good questions, great advice. Thanks, Brenda.

  3. Speaking is not easy, especially if you have always hated public speaking! I've always felt more comfortable writing, and the idea of speaking off the cuff is pretty terrifying. Nevertheless, I've been able to do well-prepared presentations and devotionals, to participate in a panel and be interviewed on the radio. Knowing the message well is essential, and for me, so is prayer!


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