June 01, 2023

F is for Faithfulness ~ by Wendy L. Macdonald

 Oh my, faithfulness was not a word one could use in the same sentence as my name on the morning I wrote this. I fell off my writing wagon during the month I began the first draft of this post. Twitter and Facebook appealed to me more than Microsoft Word did. 

But I did get some extra journaling done that day. And afterward, while I sat in my reading chair with one of my Persian cats on my lap, I remembered: Sometimes faithfulness just means showing up to write even when your muse feels drier than a parched pen.

A moment later I apologized to my cat and made my way to the computer. She followed me and sprawled out on the carpet by my feet. 

Faithfulness is also remembering we’re cared for by a faithful God. He doesn’t neglect to nudge us to do the next thing. And He helps us get it done too. 

Faithfulness isn’t an extreme sport. It’s important to take care of ourselves.

Since it was too early for lunch I began writing right away. The perfect excuse to stop and timely reward were just ahead. When noon arrived, I planned to leave my writing room and enjoy a small meal and a BIG mug of coffee.

Faithfulness isn’t about being perfect; it’s about obeying the only One who is perfect. If He says it’s time to work, things will work out well when we do. 

Faithfulness isn’t about feeling fabulously inspired all the time. Yes, amazing things can happen in the middle of a mundane day. But they don’t have to. It’s okay to just show up as-is.

Faithfulness isn’t about being noticed by anyone because the One who matters most has already called us to write for the glory of God.

Faithfulness is being conscientious to keep our conscience clear before God.

A faithful schedule for me may not look anything like someone else’s. Comparison is stupid at best.  

Being faithful one day at a time fills pages with words that would otherwise not have been written. 

Whether our words are worth saving to a file is not for us to determine during the first draft. The time for judging is during editing. And the best time for editing is to faithfully wait a few days before tackling that.

It’s okay to write rotten sentences and stinky paragraphs on the first go-round. Faithfulness is about taking the first step first, the second step second, and so on. Rushing the process isn’t faithfulness any more than leaving things to the last minute is. 

And there you have it. In just over thirty minutes I finished the first draft of this post. It was four minutes to noon when I completed it. 

Lunch was delightful. 

“We can walk without fear, full of hope and courage and strength to do His will, waiting for the endless good which He is always giving as fast as He can get us able to take it in.” – George Macdonald

“He who is faithful in a very little thing is faithful also in much; and he who is unrighteous in a very little thing is unrighteous also in much."

Luke 16:10 NASB

I’m nosy to know: How do you reward yourself for showing up to write when you’d rather not?


Wendy Mac 

P.S. What a gift it was to check my draft box and find there was something waiting for me to edit. I had left this for so long that I forgot what I’d written. Bonus!  

Wendy L. Macdonald is an inspirational blogger and podcaster who loves to photograph nature on Vancouver Island. Her byline is: “My faith is not shallow because I’ve been rescued from the deep.” 


  1. Thanks so much, Wendy, for starting our month with your reminders that faithfulness to God and to our writing is much more important than waiting for the muse to show up. I particularly related to your comment, "Being faithful one day at a time fills pages with words that would otherwise not have been written." Showing up is what gets our writing done.

    1. Thank you, dear Sandi, for your faithfulness in encouraging each of us. We appreciate you.
      Blessings, my friend.

  2. Thanks for the reminder, Wendy, to continue to be faithful in our craft, even when we don't feel like doing it. I find when I finally sit down at my computer and begin writing, it isn't long before I get excited about doing it. This line of yours spoke to my heart, "Faithfulness isn’t about being noticed by anyone because the One who matters most has already called us to write for the glory of God." Blessings as you continue to faithfully follow your calling, Wendy!

    1. Thank you & blessings, dear Valerie. Amen to the sweet flow of words that follows our faithfulness to show up. Unexpected inspiration is one of my favorite things about the writing life.

  3. What a delightful post, Wendy!

    1. Thank you & blessings, dear faithful writing friend.

  4. This week I am struggling to write a sermon for Sunday. Your words have inspired and encouraged me, especially "It’s okay to write rotten sentences and stinky paragraphs on the first go-round. Faithfulness is about taking the first step first, the second step second, and so on. Rushing the process isn’t faithfulness any more than leaving things to the last minute is." Carrying on, one step at a time! Thank you, Wendy.

    1. Thank you & blessings, dear Barb, as you continue "carrying on, one step at a time!" May God continue to bless your writing.

  5. What a wonderful post, Wendy. Love all the ‘faithfulness is’ statements. I couldn’t choose just one. Thanks for being …faithful.

    1. Thank you & blessings, dear Sharon. I'm applying one of those statements as soon as I post this reply; I have some editing to do. :)

  6. Wendy, I so enjoyed your post! Thank you. This line stands out for me as I read: "Sometimes faithfulness just means showing up to write even when your muse feels drier than a parched pen."

    My post for InScribe is due next week and I have been struggling with it. I started weeks ago but the muse has been as parched as our province Alberta has been this spring. At last the rains have begun in fits and starts -- much like the way my post is coming along. However, a little refreshment can go a long way. At long last, the grass and trees are green and my post is greening up as well. A mug of freshly brewed coffee certainly refreshes along the way (wink). Thanks again!

    1. Thank you for your encouragement, dear Brenda. Hooray for your post "greening up as well." It's been a dry spring in so many ways. May God bless our provinces with just enough rain to put out the forest fires but not so much that we get floods. Hugs.

  7. Elizabeth Danna5:12 pm GMT-7

    Thanks Wendy for the encouraging reminder not to give up. I see you have white Persian cats - my calico, Cleopatra, often sits in my lap as I'm working. She doesn't help me write, but she has taught me a few importamt theological lessons, which has helped my writing.

    1. Thank you, dear Elizabeth. I love your cat's beautiful name. They sure are good company for writers to have--aren't they? Blessings.

  8. Hi Wendy! The following paragraph drew my attention. "It’s okay to write rotten sentences and stinky paragraphs on the first go-round. Faithfulness is about taking the first step first, the second step second, and so on. Rushing the process isn’t faithfulness any more than leaving things to the last minute is." In my experience, "Rushing the process," results in disaster. Thank you for reminding us on the importance of faithfulness in our writing call.

    1. Thank you, Alan. I wholeheartedly agree that rushing leads to disaster. In so many ways and in every area of life (unless one is a first responder).
      Blessings as you right in the way that's right for you, dear brother.


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