June 21, 2023

Feed My sheep - Tracy Krauss

Feed My Sheep. 

Grace Fox, the keynote speaker at last fall’s InScribe Conference in Edmonton, used this phrase in one of her addresses. She said, “As Christian authors, rather than building a platform, we should focus on Jesus’ words, “Feed My sheep”.

Wow. This really stuck with me. I ended up choosing the phrase as my “Word” (in this case “Phrase”) for 2023. 

John 21: 17 says, “Jesus said to him the third time, ‘Simon, son of John, do you love me?’ Peter was grieved because he said to him the third time, ‘Do you love me?’ and he said to him, ‘Lord, you know everything; you know that I love you.’ Jesus said to him, ‘Feed my sheep.'”

Jesus asked Peter this same question three times, presumably to reinforce the importance of the message. I’m listening, Lord! I am trying to embrace this concept in my writing--and in every area of my life. 

What “Feed My Sheep” means to me…

“Feed My Sheep” encompasses so much. It is a “shift” in thinking and purpose, especially when it comes to my motivation for writing. It is about affecting someone’s life; meeting them where they’re at; coming alongside without necessarily having all the answers. I want my writing – both fiction and non-fiction – to affect people emotionally. To connect on some deeper level. To let them know it’s okay to be imperfect because God can and will meet you where you’re at. I guess it’s why my fiction is very grace-oriented, focusing on redemption, forgiveness, and second chances. I didn’t realize it, but my fiction uses ‘story’ to minister to people.

In marketing, “Feed My Sheep” represents a shift from “Build My Platform” to ministering to my readers and meeting their needs. Even as a teacher, which is my profession, I realize I am more concerned about meeting my students’ emotional needs than making sure they meet all curricular competencies. In an even broader sense, the phrase is about making more time for people; lending a listening ear; being available; showing hospitality.

Practically speaking, "Feed My Sheep" means…

Leaning into this shift in purpose and motivation.

Rethinking my communication with readers to be more ministry focused.

More intentionality in reaching out to others in my church, my community, and those in my sphere of influence.

Being a better and more engaged friend.

Showing hospitality.

Listening and praying more with those God puts in my path.

I have been trying to embrace this philosophy with more intentionality, and although I'm not managing it perfectly, I think it has had a huge impact on my attitude this year. 


Tracy Krauss
lives and writes from her home in beautiful Tumbler Ridge, BC. For more, visit her website: https://tracykrauss.com


  1. Love this post, dear Tracy. Feeding sheep is much more rewarding than trying to grow platform numbers. And an especial amen to: "It is about affecting someone’s life; meeting them where they’re at; coming alongside without necessarily having all the answers."
    Wendy Mac

    1. Thanks Wendy. I always appreciate your kind and encouraging words! PS: You are doing an excellent job as moderator!

  2. That verse has often spurred me in my writing. It was lovely to see it again this morning in your wonderful post, Tracy.

    As with Wendy, it's this line that sparkles for me today: "It is about affecting someone’s life; meeting them where they’re at; coming alongside without necessarily having all the answers." Coming alongside is a phrase I am often drawn to - ha, I often don't have an answer but I can show someone I care just by being present to his/her concerns. Thank you for the reminders!

    1. You are welcome! I could have chosen many other words, but this seemed appropriate when i went to write. :)

  3. Definitely a paradigm shift for many and a good reminder for others. Thanks for this wonderful post, Tracy! You’ve got my grey cells activated this morning.

    1. ….as well as my heart and spirit….

    2. Oh good! It's always good to get the grey matter activated!

  4. Thanks for your heart-felt post, Tracy. A shift in attitude is sometimes difficult but when you are inspired by the Good Shepherd, you know you have help in achieving your goal. I especially appreciate your definition list of what it means to practically "feed My sheep". Makes it more doable. Blessings!


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