June 23, 2023

Out of His Fullness ~ Valerie Ronald


Like a jeweled orb, it hangs in the night sky ˗˗ a silvery full moon. I can’t take my eyes off it. As I prepare dinner, I keep returning to the window to gaze at its luminescence high above the black-fingered trees. The dark landscape is bathed in its cool light, creating ethereal moon shadows. I recall watching a similar moon rise over the ocean, stretching a pearly beam across the moving deep like a pathway to the stars.

When skies are clear, I love to watch the moon transition from new moon to full, from waxing to waning, throughout the nights of each month. At phases when it appears as a thin crescent, I can sometimes see a dim impression of the rest of its sphere. Though not much of the moon is showing, there is the promise of fullness to come.

The mysterious moon reminds me of the phases I experience as a writer. As the moon reflects the light of the sun, so am I called to reflect the light of God’s Son through my words. The moon is a natural satellite orbiting around earth so the side facing the sun is always illuminated, but from my static position on earth, it appears to change slightly every night. The moon itself isn’t changing, just its place as it orbits the earth, affecting the amount of light it reflects.

My writing life goes through phases too. All that I am and believe spins in orbit around my Creator God, who upholds all things by the word of His power. My writing orbit is elliptical, sometimes closer to God and sometimes farther away. The light I reflect from Him in my writing varies according to where I am in my spiritual life. If I allow the world to pull me to the outer limits of my orbit around God, then the effectiveness of my writing is dimmed like the waning moon, a mere sliver of light in the dark. But when I come closer to Christ, His fullness is reflected in my words so they glow with the beauty of His person.

For out of His fullness, the superabundance of His grace and truth, we have all received grace upon grace, spiritual blessing upon spiritual blessing, favor upon favor, and gift heaped upon gift. - John 1:16 AMP

Although it’s hard to see sometimes, I believe God can shine His light through whatever writing phase I find myself. It surprises me when something I wrote in a “waning” season draws someone to the Lord in a helpful way. I don’t have to produce brilliant prose for God to use my imperfect efforts. I will always want to write my best for Him ˗˗ to shine His light into the lives of those who read it. However, I leave it up to God to use what He can from what I have to offer. My part is to stay steady in my orbit around Him, where His fullness blesses me with grace upon grace, and gift heaped upon gift. What a privilege it is to reflect God’s brilliant abundance so others can bask in His glory. 

“Be the moon and inspire people even when you are far from full.”     
  (author unknown)

Valerie Ronald is a pastor's wife, mother and grandmother 
who enjoys reading, writing and taking photos of the
 beautiful prairies where she lives.


  1. Dear Valerie, what a lovely and encouraging post you've shared with us today.
    Amen to these words of yours that remind us to show up to write regardless of how lacking in light we feel: "I believe God can shine His light through whatever writing phase I find myself. It surprises me when something I wrote in a “waning” season draws someone to the Lord in a helpful way."
    Thank you for inspiring us to "orbit around Him."

    1. Thank you for your positive comment, Wendy. I don't think I would have the confidence to write without God at the center.

  2. Once again, your beautifully crafted words drew me in. Valerie, I seriously think you should gather your writing into a collection for publication... Your posts here would be a great place to start. Just a thought...

    1. Thank you for the gentle push for me to publish, Tracy. I am working on a collection of devotionals already financially sponsored.

  3. Thank you for your illuminating words, Valerie. This is a wonderful way of paying attention to our writing as being in phases. This makes so much sense as we pursue our writing life. Here is one of your lines I will keep in mind as I write. "Although it’s hard to see sometimes, I believe God can shine His light through whatever writing phase I find myself." This is all a huge encouragement to this writer.

    1. I am glad you've been encouraged, Alan. That is the goal of this blog, after all! Knowing God will use our words, no matter how imperfect, helps keep us going.

  4. A moving post, Valerie. I share your love of watching the moon through its different phases. I am also amazed how God can transform our mere written words for His purposes. Miraculous. Thanks for sharing your heart.

    1. I appreciate your comment, Sharon. That God uses our mere written words gives me a sense of purpose as I write.

  5. Like you, Valerie, I love to watch the moon in the night sky in all its phases. What a marvelous comparison of the moon's phases to our writing seasons and how they wax and wane in similar fashion. Beautiful imagery. Beautiful post. Great photos. Thank you!

    PS. Love that inspiring quote at the end: “Be the moon and inspire people even when you are far from full.”

  6. I was blessed by your post today, Valerie. Thank you.


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