June 20, 2023

F is for Fealty by Alan Anderson


Dear reader, did you take a second look when you read this F word? I bet you did! In my experience I cannot say I have ever used the word. Perhaps I am in good company.


Meaning of Fealty

What on earth is fealty? Good question!


Early forms of the word, “fealty,” originate around 1300 and referred to the loyalty a vassal had to a lord. As time went on the meaning of “fealty” broadened. Fealty is now used to express one’s loyalty to other leaders, a country, or a principle of life. These days the word isn’t used often.



One of the closest words we have today to fealty is loyalty. “Loyalty implies a faithfulness that is steadfast in the face of any temptation to renounce, desert, or betray.”



Fealty to One’s Call as a Writer


This post will be devoted to fealty as loyalty to one’s call to write. Our fealty to our call to write is also one of commitment and an expression of devotion. As writers who are also Christians to betray our call is not an option.


The members of InScribe Christian Writers’ Fellowship are more than casual hobbyists. To us writing is more than a fun thing to do. There is skill to develop, genres to explore, energy and concentration to aid in our focus, and passion in what we want to write. We can add to this list, but I hope you get my meaning. Writing is indeed fun, but it also requires work and loyalty to develop one’s skill.


Wow, my friends, just think, we are writers! We spend time writing down words to reach other people. To us words are alive. They aren’t mere empty thoughts coming from a dark hole. Our words represent our loyalty to a call God has placed on our lives.


Fealty in the Face of Life Change


A recent appointment with my doctor confirmed my suspicion. He confirmed, in his words, I am, “no longer a spring chicken.” Okay, this is no surprise to me. The past months of 2023 and latter 2022 has been a period showing me my youthful years are now history. I guess I had to come to a place in my life where I had to admit I am an almost old guy.


This realization, however, has not crushed my fealty, my loyalty, to my call as a writer. Lord willing, I still have years of energy to walk in nature, play with my grandchildren, enjoy life with my wife, serve my church community in some way, sit on the back porch with my dog, and write, write, write. My loyalty to writing has not diminished.


A Couple Questions to Ponder


Writer friends, are you loyal to a particular genre of writing? Readers, are you loyal to particular authors?



Alan lives in Deroche, B.C. with his wife, Terry, and their poodle, Charlie. He contributed stories to Good Grief People by Angel Hope Publishing, 2017; Story by Story: The Power of a Writer, Unstoppable Writers Publishing, 2018; Easter Stories & More by InScribe Christian Writers’ Fellowship, 2021. He is currently working on a book expressing the grief of grieving grandparents entitled “Hidden Poetic Voices: A Reflective Work of Grief, Faith, and Poetry.” Alan periodically writes articles for FellowScript Magazine. He has written posts for our InScribe blog since 2015. He is the Writing Group Coordinator for InScribe. Blog: https://scarredjoy.ca.



  1. Thank you, Alan, for teaching me a new word. Great post!
    And thank you for reminding us we can write into our "retirement" years. Writers don't retire. Our calling is a lifelong one. I'm glad because I'd be lost without the joy of collaborating with Christ through written words.

    1. I hear what you say, Wendy. Our calling is indeed a lifelong one and full of blessing.

  2. Love learning new and unusual words, Alan. Will have to write this one down, along with its definition so I can remember it. Thanks very much.

    1. Hi Sharen! Fealty is a new word to me as well and I had fun learning about this lovely old word.

  3. Alan I love this word! Not only is it is a clever choice, but your piece really hit the heart of what it means to embrace all there is about being a Christian writer.

    1. Thank you Tracy for the encouragement. I love that our InScribe family is in this sweet calling together.

  4. Thank you, Alan, for introducing us to this new concept. You pegged it when you wrote: "Our words represent our loyalty to a call God has placed on our lives." And that includes, as you mentioned, different phases and stages of our lives. As one writer mentioned years ago, she'd keep on writing until her brain quit working. (Or I might add, "as long as the Lord gives us the time.")

    1. Dear Sandi! Yes, "as long as the Lord gives us time we will write," we will do so. .

  5. I've seen the word fealty in various things I've read, but I don't recall taking the time to look up its true meaning. Thankfully you did and now we have a fine post to read because of it. Thank you, Alan, for sharing your thoughts about such a great word.

    1. I agree with you, Brenda. Fealty is indeed a great word. WE learn a lot together here on our blog. Blessings to you, my friend!

  6. Alan, thank you for bringing our attention to a great word with layers of meaning. It reminded me that our loyalty is first to God, who equips us to write for Him. This sentence of yours impacted me: "Our words represent our loyalty to a call God has placed on our lives." We are not just doodling for fun. We are called.

    1. Dear Valerie, thank you for your wonderful comments. Yes, more than doodling, for sure. Wow, get to be part of this call together!


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