December 13, 2022

The Wonder of Immanuel, God with Us by Steph Beth Nickel


In the eyes of a child.

In the lyrics of a much-loved Christmas carol.

In the She Reads Truth Advent study.


Is there wonder in my heart?

Is Jesus the focus of my days?

Am I captivated by His sacrifice?

Too often, this is not the case.


Familiarity too often diminishes the wonder of the season.

Busyness too often consumes my thoughts.

Distractions too often vie for my attention.

What can I do to allow the wonder of the season—and God’s never-ending presence—to sink in and motivate my words and actions?

Commit each task to the Lord.

Focus on the task at hand.

Embrace the quiet.

Meditate on God’s Word.

Commit portions of it to memory.

Fellowship with brothers and sisters in Christ.

Share the wonder with those God’s brings across my path.

How can I embrace the wonder long-term?

Soak in the Truth.

Continue to develop a heart of gratitude.

Be more cognizant of how I spend my time.

Examine my motives for the things I do.

Seek to do everything as unto the Lord.

Make Him known.

Pray more…much more!

Questions for Consideration

Is this time of year filled with wonder or overwhelm?

What one step can you take to increase your sense of wonder this Christmas season?

How will you continue to develop a sense of wonder in the new year?


  1. Thank you, dear Steph, for this lovely poetical post. I smiled when I read the line about fellowship because that's why I'm late in reading this today (Sorry). Our ladies' Bible study Christmas gathering was this morning...
    One step I've taken this year is to read an advent entry from a booklet I've had for years. It reminds me of the why behind this beautiful season.

    Merry Christmas & blessings for 2023.

  2. Thank you Steph. You always ask such pointed questions that get us thinking and reflecting. God bless.

  3. Developing a heart of gratitude definitely brings me to joy and wonder. Thank you for these "questions for consideration." They have sparked a some ideas for reflection.

  4. Thank you, Steph, for this lovely poem that helps us focus on the wonder of "Immanuel". That song, "O Come, O Come Emmanuel", has been my song this Christmas, as it brought closer home the importance of God sending Jesus in human form. Jesus who knows what it is like to be us. Jesus who understands all our human foibles, joys and sorrows because He went through the same types of experiences.

    Your question, "How will you continue to develop a sense of wonder in the new year?" is a good one to think about!!

  5. Wonder is such a great descriptor. Thank you for sharing your poem. Keep embracing the quiet.


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