December 15, 2022

Hope: The Message of Christmas by Carol Harrison

I have always loved the Christmas season. As a child, this time of year had a simplicity I never realized. Our family didn’t have much money and there were few presents under the tree and no lavish, over-the-top decorations. Yet I loved it – the time spent with family and extended family, the church services and Christmas carols, the concerts, and the Bible story from the gospel of Luke.

When I take time to reflect, I realize I grew up rich in relationships with a legacy of being shown the love of God in tangible ways by my family. My parents and grandparents lived out their faith and shared this with me.

But, this time of year can be stressful when the tough things of life happen. The messages bombarding us about the latest and greatest gift, the best way to entertain, or even the right décor can fill us with a feeling of not having enough or not being good enough. How do view this time of year, no matter what the circumstances we find ourselves in? Where is our hope? Why do we celebrate?

As I write this blog post late the night before it is time to post it, I think about these questions. I ponder Immanuel – God with us and what that means and has meant to me. Is there a significant time at Christmas where this came alive to me? Maybe I put off writing this post because I couldn’t think of the scenario to describe. Part of the procrastination happened due to the invasion of bronchitis and asthma for a few weeks. These unwanted guests didn’t want to leave and made life difficult. Maybe it is only because I never paused long enough to really think about how God is with me and all of us who follow Him at any time of year.

A couple of days ago I had the opportunity to travel to Prince Albert to speak at the Christian Women’s Club Christmas meetings in the morning and evening. I had promised them months ago to be their speaker. The topic was Life’s Tough but There’s Hope or as they changed it around a bit to fit the time of year it read Hope - the Message of Christmas. As the day drew near, the exhaustion from being sick for weeks made me wonder if I could keep the commitment and yet I felt a peace that God was wanting me to go.

My granddaughter offered to drive so all I had to do was the speaking and interacting with the ladies present. It gave us a special time together from early morning until late at night. I pulled out my notes. Yes, I love Christmas but sometimes it is a tough time for people. Health concerns – I have those in my own life and in my husbands too. Finances – I love giving gifts and the budget runs out long before I wish it did but I am more fortunate than many. Relationship issues – some are fragile while others can be toxic. Grief – death does not care it is close to Christmas any more than health related concerns. We all get the picture.

Life for me has been in a tough season due to many issues and yet I know God is still God. He promises new mercies every morning. He is my Rock, my Fortress, my Deliverer, and strength. I know this. I’ve experienced it many times. So I trusted Him for the words to say, the strength of voice to speak, and for open hearts to hear God and know He is our Hope and Joy. 

  God with us – Immanuel. Oh how I felt that a couple of days ago. Various ladies remarked about how what I shared must have been just for them and shared a bit of their stories – tough things with me. One lady said, “When I closed my eyes, your voice was beautiful and like and eighteen-year-old.”

Wow, only God could provide a voice for people to hear that had no trace of bronchitis or asthma to it. So I pause in the middle of tough circumstances and Christmas coming quickly and wonder at the goodness of God who loves me so much He sent Jesus to take my punishment. How can I not praise His name.

Merry Christmas and may Jesus, the Hope of Christmas, fill us with hope and peace as we trust in Him each day to use the gifts, He has given us. 


Carol Harrison loves to share stories and the good news of hope in Jesus with people of all ages and abilities. She enjoys speaking and writing as well as scrapbooking and making junk journals.



  1. Thank you, dear Carol, for showing up so beautifully to post (and on time too). These words caught my eye as it's exactly how I feel about much of the holiday hoopla: "The messages bombarding us about the latest and greatest gift, the best way to entertain, or even the right décor can fill us with a feeling of not having enough or not being good enough."
    But then I remember God with us and all is well again. He's so good to us.
    Blessings for 2023.

  2. thank you for sharing, Carol. may this season be a blessing for you.

  3. Thank you for this encouraging post, Carol. And to you, "may Jesus, the Hope of Christmas, fill us with hope and peace as we trust in Him each day to use the gifts, He has given us."

  4. Thank you for your message, Carol. I agree with you in how comes through for us. I relate to how illness may make us weak and we aren't sure about our own ability to carry out responsibilities. God, in His mercy, allows us to carry on. Like you, I pray I can carry on with ministry He may want me to serve. Blessings, dear friend.

  5. Thanks so much for this post, Carol. Such an encouragement and a reminder of Whom we celebrate and His faithfulness regardless of our circumstances. Merry Christmas.

  6. Hi Carol. What stood out to me is the line "As I write this blog post late the night before it is time to post it..." Made me smile. Thank you for organizing the blogs and for posting your own blogs. They are gifts to us.


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