December 01, 2022

A New World in the Morning by Wendy L. Macdonald

 Sandi’s Writing Prompt for December: 

An important prophecy is that Jesus was called Immanuel, which means “God is with us”.

Write about an experience when you sensed the Lord was (especially) with you at Christmas.

What was important about that occasion? How did you feel? What did you sense? 

How has it had a lasting impact on your life, and perhaps your writing?

Wendy’s Post:

I’ve written about this somewhere before; hopefully, this isn’t a story you’ve already read. But it’s the first one that came to mind when Sandi asked us about a Christmas when God seemed to be especially near to us.

My dad died suddenly in November 1998. It was the year my second son was born and two years before my daughter was born. Grieving in the middle of the busy season of mothering was particularly challenging. Adding Christmas to the puddles of tears I cried made for a mucky December. 

Since I didn’t come from a close-knit family, I mostly grieved alone. My husband hadn’t experienced the death of a parent yet, so he didn’t understand the depth of my grief. He did his best. But I know he’d do better now—now that he understands from personal experience. However, I didn’t judge his shortcomings in not shoring me up as much as I needed him to, because God stepped down to earth and held me within the arms of His Presence. 

One day, during a dark hour of grief, a CD I bought for my dad arrived in the mailbox. I forgot I had ordered it for him. It was a Christmas album I planned to send as a gift. It featured songs sung by one of his favorite singers: Roger Whittaker. 

My brothers and I had chosen a regular song by this artist and played it at the funeral. A New World in the Morning seemed appropriate as Dad had died late at night and been ushered into a new day in Heaven. 

Instead of feeling worse because I received something I couldn’t give him, I felt encouraged. It was as if God handed me a present. He hugged me with the gift of His Presence. Listening to a singer whom a loved one loved can’t help but make you think of all the good memories death can’t take away.

No shovelfuls of earth can bury the beauty of treasured moments. 

And although my dad’s life was tumultuous, I knew it was his gentleness towards me that motivated me to seek that in a life partner too. That is a gift I still appreciate after nearly 40 years of marriage to my gentle giant of a husband.  

Often at Christmas, I listen to the music I meant to give to Dad. Somewhere inside me still resides the little girl who appreciated the books he read to me and the piggyback rides he gave me at bedtime. And when my husband and I read to our children, we passed those gifts on too. And when my grandson visits me, I pass them on to him as well. (And I know his dad also does.) 

I don’t doubt God smiles when He sees parents reading bedtime books to their children. He knows those precious moments will be treasured for a lifetime.  

Are you celebrating good memories of Christmases past?

I hope treasured moments comfort you if you’re grieving. May you feel the Presence of God’s arms surrounding you with His love.

Blessings for a beautiful Christmas and a joyous New Year ~ Wendy Mac 

P.S. When your cat photo-bombs a picture, it's best to go with the flow of the fur. I love this little lady. 

Wendy L. Macdonald is an inspirational blogger and podcaster who loves to photograph nature on Vancouver Island. Her byline is: “My faith is not shallow because I’ve been rescued from the deep.” Her main website is where she enjoys interacting with readers.


  1. What a precious story, Wendy. Thank you for sharing.

    1. Thank you, dear Tracy. We lost a relative this week to an accidental overdose. My husband took the day off and stood close to me the entire day. I didn't realize he read my grief before it registered in me. I appreciate him so much.

    2. My condolences and prayer as you grieve the tragic loss of another relative.

    3. Thank you, dear Sandi. When you think of me, pray for the parents and siblings who are grieving. xo

  2. Ruth Keighley10:08 am GMT-7

    A wonderful reminder of the Lord’s unfailing comfort in the midst of deep grief. Thanks for sharing

    1. Thank you and blessings, dear Ruth. Yes, His forever love and comfort are unfailing.

  3. The truth of Immanuel - God with us - is what is most meaningful to me during Christmas. Such a precious promise to cling to in the midst of life's griefs and joys. Thank you for sharing your story of how God was with you via music while you grieved for your father.

    1. Thank you and blessings, dear Lorrie. Yes, God With Us is the greatest gift of all. And it's tied with His forever ribbon of everlasting love.

  4. Love your story about your dad and the timely arrival of the CD. Precious moments. And your cat is cool. Merry Christmas to you!

    1. Thank you, Bob. Christmas blessings to you and your family. My cool cat's mom photobombed my newsletter photos. I'll have to include some if they turned out clear. She was blocking the window light too. :)

  5. Thanks for this poignant Christmas memory when you sensed God's presence, Wendy. Your sentence, "No shovelfuls of earth can bury the beauty of treasured moments" meant so much to me, as I was just this morning writing about the Christmas when my sister passed.

    1. Thank you & blessings, dear Sandi. That line is true for all loving memories we have and are making with loved ones. I look forward to reading your post. xo

  6. Dear Wendy! Oh, my Lord, your words took my breath away! I imagine there is a lot between the lines but the honesty about your grief story found its way into my heart. I sense your gentleness you inherited from your dad through every word. I will not soon forget this huggable message. Hugs, dear friend.

    1. Thank you, dear Alan. I know you know more about grief than most people do because of the job you had. You have the perfect personality for coming alongside those who are near death and/or grieving. Christmas blessings to you & your lovely wife.

  7. Wendy, these words are so beautiful: No shovelfuls of earth can bury the beauty of treasured moments. Thank you for sharing your memories of your Dad. I listened to the Roger Whitaker song, never heard it before. Because it was a favourite of your Dad's, I feel like I caught a tiny glimpse of him.

    1. Thank you & blessings, dear Joy. I trust I'll see my dad again as he professed faith in Jesus late in life. And after he died, I found his Bible left open on his kitchen table.

  8. Oh, Wendy. My heart is with you in your recent loss. Thanks for sharing your story of grief and the gift that God provided in His perfect timing. May you overflow with God’s peace this Christmas.

    1. Thank you, dear Sharon. Blessings of the same back to you, my friend. We are seen and loved by Emmanuel.


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