January 18, 2022

Fly Away - Sheila Webster


Did you ever get surprised by something you wrote? I have…especially lately.  A small personal unusual collaboration opened more doors without me trying. It literally has exploded and I never know where the next opportunity will come from.

It all began by admiring a local artist for their creativity and voice in a music video they had shared. I knew them slightly so I complimented them on it.

For a long time, I had wanted one of my poems turned into a rap song (believe it or not). After some thought and prayer, I got brave and asked if she would look at a poem. 

She agreed! Kendal connected with my poem about domestic violence and before long she had some basic beats, not rap but very catchy.

Kendal thought it was possible to record at a studio for a reasonable price and the rest is history, right down to the day I wanted it launched.

It seemed like a far-fetched dream, like a fantasy.  Now, however, after a month it seems like it has always existed and its audience and presence continue to grow.

Last night Kendal and I were asked to do a closed group hour-long Facebook live. We were to talk about our passion for the subject, the genesis of the poem, and our collaboration.

We come from different lifestyles and spiritual paths but our paths crossed and connected in a surreal way to bring awareness and hope to the issue of domestic violence.

I’m grateful that I stepped out in faith and courage that there was a bigger plan for a piece of my writing that is raw and vulnerable.

I'm grateful for the ability, seeing the opportunity, stepping into a dark space, and bringing some light and hope.

It’s all I ever wanted any of my writing to do. Shine a little bit in dark places.

Thank you, Kendal, Cindy, and Ben for making a dream come true while I blinked. You can hear the song by clicking on "Fly Away" below.

Fly Away (Jasmine's Song)

Co-written by Kendal and Sheila Webster

Sheila often writes on napkins, texts to friends and sometimes notebooks. (Not so much computers etc. as they are in a constant state of not working.) She is passionate about true vulnerability that transforms through any medium and for many causes.


  1. Congratulations, dear Sheila. It's a beautiful song.

    I love this desire of yours: "It's all I ever wanted any of my writing to do. Shine a little bit in dark places."

    Blessings ~ Wendy Mac

  2. Thanks for sharing about the way the Lord opened this opportunity for you, Sheila. These words resonated with me, "I'm grateful for the ability, seeing the opportunity, stepping into a dark space, and bringing some light and hope." It's often when we have courage to step into a dark place that we bring light and hope to others.

  3. Wow, Sheila. This is amazing. What a message you bring to the world--especially for those who need to hear that there is a better way to go. But it is good for all of us to grow in understanding and awareness of domestic abuse. You, go Girl, where God leads you. Looks like you have chosen the right cohorts. Blessings!

  4. Wow, Sheila, that's a powerful song! I love the way you let God use your deepest heart to help others. You are a treasure.

  5. Woohoooooo! Sheila. Love the song, including the beat! You are gifted and a powerful example of just stepping out in faith and believing!

  6. Hi my pal! Sheila I love this post right from one of your opening lines. You said. "A small personal unusual collaboration opened more doors without me trying." This is an encouraging reality. I love the bravery and honesty of your heart. Thank you for sharing this message and your song with us. By the way, Sheila, great photo!

  7. Wonderful. Thank you for sharing the song and the journey

  8. Such powerful lyrics and the way it's sung is perfect! Congratulations Sheila!

  9. Encouraging words!? God moments ignite and fill us all with more courage to be all that our Father has created to be for His glory. Thank you!

  10. Encouraging words!? God moments ignite and fill us all with more courage to be all that our Father has created to be for His glory. Thank you!

  11. This is absolutely amazing, Sheila. Congratulations!

  12. I love this, Sheila! You saw the open doors and you walked through. And now look! What a courageous thing. Powerful song.

  13. Beautiful, heartfelt song, Sheila!

  14. Thanks for your open honest heart and for your courage, Sheila. The song is painfully beautiful. May God continue to guide your steps and may you continue to step out in faith.


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