January 13, 2022

Two Words Chose Me by Wendy L. Macdonald


During the last half-decade, I’ve felt prompted to choose a word for each year. This year, two words chose me. Before I share them, there are some things I want to give thanks for first.

I’m thankful for InScribe Christian Writers’ Fellowship. It has blessed me with opportunities to read the writing of other Christian Canadians and share my writing via this blog. The writing challenges Glynis Belec so generously serves up to inspirational writers across our lovely country is another thing I’m grateful for. Plus, it was through Glynis I learned about HopeStreamRadio and got the opportunity to produce podcasts for them. 

The InScribe contests also provided feedback I’m grateful for. Critiques by fellow InScribers helped me better understand my writing strengths and weaknesses. Both are equally important to know. Writers need to focus on continuing to do what works while working on the areas that don’t work so well—yet.  

Tracy and Sandi are two other people in InScribe I’m especially thankful for. They’re gracious, hardworking, and godly. They have welcomed my presence here with patient instruction. They’ve also given me the permission and freedom to try new things that I believe God is leading us to do. (I’m not a huge fan of change. So, aside from the potential schedule shuffle, I don’t anticipate anything else new here in 2022.)  

And now for the unveiling of my two words for the New Year that have been placed in my heart and mind: Brave and serve. God knew it was time for me to be brave and branch out and serve. Not a ton of service. Not a ton of busyness. But a still-small-voice calling me to give back some of what I’ve dined on for almost ten years of writing online.

I need braveness to have the courage it takes to serve others. The last time I volunteered for something public, the main thing that saved my sanity was a sermon. In it, the pastor I had at the time reminded us that our way of doing something was better than someone else’s way of not doing something.  Honestly, I love staying secluded in my writing room. But easy living doesn’t grow good writing. 

Good prose needs exposure to real life in order to grow. 

So, here it goes. I’m putting on brave and stepping into servant shoes for the Christ in me that’s inviting me to reach out and enrich others. (By the way, thank you for proving once again that it’s better to give than to receive. You’ve all been so kind to me in your email correspondences since I began volunteering to help with the behind-the-scenes duties for this website.)    

I’m nosy-to-know if you have a word or two for 2022?

"...'It is more blessed to give than to receive.'" Acts 20:35 NKJV

New Year’s Blessings ~ Wendy Mac

Wendy L. Macdonald is an inspirational blogger and podcaster who loves to photograph nature on Vancouver Island. Her byline is: “My faith is not shallow because I’ve been rescued from the deep.” Her main website is where she enjoys interacting with readers.


  1. What a wonderful way to start 2022, with words of gratitude and the Lord's encouragement in your two words of the year, Wendy. And thanks again for accepting the challenge to moderate this blog. It's a big challenge! You're brave as you serve InScribe this way!

    1. Thank you, dear Sandi. I appreciate that we're all in this together as a team. We're doubly blessed in that we're part of the faith family too. God is good.

      Blessings for 2022 ~ Wendy Mac

  2. Two strong words that will surely help you grow stronger.

    1. Amen, dear Lorrie. Walking in them rather than running from them is the key. I'm so glad Jesus walks with us. He is our Strength.
      Blessings for 2022 - Wendy Mac 🕊️

  3. Your post prompted me to think of what's stirring in my heart, Wendy. My two words are Give and Complete. I am more and more aware of my privilege in life, especially through a connection with someone whose life is so hard through circumstances she didn't choose or deserve. My heart is being cracked open with more of God's compassion for the disadvantaged--so Give!! And Completion is related to my anxiety over completing a high stakes story, and probably other projects--because once it's complete it will be judged. This is such an illogical fear, I know, and it's time I showed it the door!

    1. Thank you, dear Belinda. Your words, give and complete, are good ones for all of us to contemplate. Writers are required to serve their readers if they hope to have their audience for more than one book. Giving and completing are givens for good writing.
      Blessings of bravery as you finish your projects - Wendy Mac ✍️

  4. I was touched by this post, Wendy. I am thankful, also, that you listened to the Holy Spirit's prompt and stepped into serving on the blog in this way! Your kind encouragement always strikes the right chord. I love the words you've chosen, too. Many blessings in 2022!

    1. Thank you, dear Tracy. I appreciate you, and the peace I have saying yes to God.
      My prayer is to serve in the way He wants me to. What a kind and talented group of writers I.W.O. is.
      Blessings for 2022 - Wendy Mac 🕊️

  5. Thanks for this post, Wendy. I usually have more of a phrase for the year that the Spirit speaks into me. This year my phrase is "Do the Be." I've written a blog about it. You can find it here: www.conniemaeinglis.ca

    1. Great post, dear Connie. I love the image of our Father running to meet us. He's so good.
      Blessings for 2022 - Wendy Mac

  6. What a thoughtful post. No word comes to me but I'll work on whatever spiritual problem comes along.

    1. Thank you, Bruce. Your willing spirit is a treasure in God's sight. His Word is the best word for us to heed. We can't go wrong with that focus.
      Blessings for 2022 ~ Wendy Mac

  7. Hi Wendy. I resonate with your thankfulness for our InScribe loved ones and our honour to serve together.

    The two words who chose you chose well. I sense your bravery and a servant's heart.
    I am not sure of what word or words chose me for this year. I keep being visited, however, by the word, compassion. I need to ponder this for a while. Thank you, Wendy, for this thoughtful message.

    1. Thank you, Alan. I don't think you could find a more meaningful and more necessary word than compassion. The world needs more of it. Not just in places where there's obvious suffering, but also to facilitate agreeing to disagree with kindness regarding matters that don't matter that much in the grand scheme of God's will for us.
      Blessings for 2022 ~ Wendy Mac

  8. I applaud your courage, Wendy, for stepping into your role as our new Blog Moderator. We love your kind encouragements, and as Tracy mentioned, your affirming words so often strike the right chord. Grace for whatever else you will put your hand to in 2022 because of those two beacon words seeking you out.

    1. Thank you, dear Brenda. Grace is on my mind. May I savor and sow it. Grace is for sharing. Not hoarding.
      Blessings for 2022 - Wendy Mac 🕊️💌

  9. This verse from Joshua 1:9 came to mind as I was reading your post, Wendy. “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” May 2022 be full of growth in Him.

    1. Thank you, dear Sharon, for that amazing verse. It's one I've written down before and plan to again after I post this reply. 💌
      Blessings of growth in Him back to you also.


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