January 04, 2022

Come, Now is the Time to Worship by Susan Barclay


"Come, now is the time to worship." This is God's personal invitation to me this year. 

As I was considering a word for 2022, the word 'worship' popped into my mind. I've been wanting to draw closer to God, to deepen my relationship with Him, and I believe the Holy Spirit inspired the realization that worship is the way to do it. He is looking for those who will worship Him in spirit and in truth (John 4:23-24) and I want to be one of those He finds so engaged.

An online friend has shared that she's "spent the last 2 years on my face in worship getting wrecked by the Holy Spirit in my quiet time letting Him transform MY HEART." As she's described her communion with the Lord, stating "His presence changes everything," I have to admit I've felt a little envious. I mean, I know we're not supposed to covet, but I want that. I want the Lord to change my heart as I spend time with Him. I want to meet with Him, have intimacy with Him, become more like Him. I want the Potter to take this clay and form it (Isaiah 64:8). I want the Refiner to take this lump of metal and purify it (Malachi 3:3). He will always make something beautiful.

As I write this (late December 2021), I'm still in the early stages of figuring out how to worship the God of the Universe, the King of Creation, the Lord of Lords. What that might look like. I'm sure in the course of time, He Himself will teach me. For now, on January 1, I plan to start reading a 30-day devotional by Adam Palmer based on the Tim Hughes' song Here I Am to Worship. I plan to start a 7-week workbook by David Sherbino called Reconnect: Spiritual Exercises to Develop Intimacy with God. I plan to start the day with worship music, scripture, and prayer, perhaps even on my face as my friend Jennifer does. Posture is important I've heard.

In whatever ways God is inviting us to share our days and year with Him, may He find us willing to say yes and amen even though we don't (and can't) know where it all might lead. As Mary responded to God's message about bearing the Son, may we answer His bidding with the words "I am the Lord's servant" (Luke 1:38). 

In the midst of my personal challenges, the difficulties of life in general, and the current state of the world, now is my time to worship. Lord, I come.

For more about Susan Barclay and her writing, please visit www.susan-barclay.blogspot.com


  1. What a beautifully inspiring post, dear Susan. We won't go wrong when we worship the King. I hope you'll update us at some point during 2022 to let us know what you experienced and learned regarding worship.
    Blessings for 2022 ~ Wendy Mac

    1. I plan to do just that, Wendy; don't you worry! LOL. Blessings on your year also :)

  2. I echo your longings, Susan, and worship is the best way to get into His presence. Blessings this year.

    1. Let's worship together, Tracy, though we are geographically many miles apart! Blessings to you and yours as well.

  3. I also echo what you wrote and what others have commented on. How beautiful to focus our attention off ourselves and onto the Lord in worship for who He is and whatever He sends our way.

    1. Amen, Sandi. We are blessed, no matter what we face. He deserves our praise!

  4. May our lives be an act of continuous worship. I'm getting better at it and I hope we all are too.

    1. So encouraging to hear, Bruce! Yes, we are all on a journey and hopefully getting better at continuous worship as we draw closer to Him. Thank you for sharing.

  5. Susan, While you are delighting yourself in the Lord, I cannot imagine He not giving you that yearning desire of your heart. ~~💝~~ May blessings abound!

  6. What a wonderful, intentional way to start the year. Praying He knocks your socks off as you worship. Blessings on your quest.


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